searchapi.h header
This header is used by multiple technologies. For more information, see:
searchapi.h contains the following programming interfaces:
IEnumSearchRoots Provides methods to enumerate the search roots of a catalog, for example, SystemIndex. |
IEnumSearchScopeRules Enumerates scope rules. |
IOpLockStatus Provides methods to check the opportunistic lock that is used by Microsoft Windows Desktop Search (WDS) on items while indexing. |
IProtocolHandlerSite Provides methods for a protocol handler's IUrlAccessor object to query the Filter Daemon for the appropriate filter for the URL item. |
IRowsetEvents Exposes methods for receiving event notifications. |
IRowsetPrioritization Sets or retrieves the current indexer prioritization level for the scope specified by this query. |
ISearchCatalogManager Provides methods to manage a search catalog for purposes such as re-indexing or setting timeouts. |
ISearchCatalogManager2 Extends the ISearchCatalogManager interface to manage a search catalog, for purposes such as re-indexing or setting timeouts. |
ISearchCrawlScopeManager Provides methods that notify the search engine of containers to crawl and/or watch, and items under those containers to include or exclude when crawling or watching. |
ISearchCrawlScopeManager2 Extends the functionality of the ISearchCrawlScopeManager interface. |
ISearchItemsChangedSink Provides notifications for changes to indexed items. Also provides notification of the hierarchical scope that is being monitored for changed items. |
ISearchLanguageSupport Provides methods for accessing thesaurus information. |
ISearchManager Provides methods for controlling the Search service. This interface manages settings and objects that affect the search engine across catalogs. |
ISearchManager2 Enabled applications to create and delete custom catalogs in the Windows Search indexer. |
ISearchNotifyInlineSite Provides methods the Search service uses to send updates on catalog and index status to notification providers. |
ISearchPersistentItemsChangedSink Provides methods for passing change notifications to alert the indexer that items need to be updated. |
ISearchProtocol Provides methods for invoking, initializing, and managing IUrlAccessor objects. (ISearchProtocol) |
ISearchProtocol2 Provides methods for invoking, initializing, and managing IUrlAccessor objects. (ISearchProtocol2) |
ISearchProtocolThreadContext This optional interface enables the protocol handler to perform an action on the thread used for filtering in the protocol host. |
ISearchQueryHelper Provides methods for building a query from user input, converting a query to Windows Search SQL, and obtaining a connection string to initialize a connection to the Window Search index. |
ISearchRoot Provides methods for manipulating a search root. Changes to property members are applied to any URL that falls under the search root. A URL falls under a search root if it matches the search root URL or is a hierarchical child of that URL. |
ISearchScopeRule Provides methods to define scope rules for crawling and indexing. |
ISearchViewChangedSink Not implemented. (ISearchViewChangedSink) |
IUrlAccessor Provides methods for processing an individual item in a content source whose URL is provided by the gatherer to the filter host. |
IUrlAccessor2 Extends functionality of the IUrlAccessor interface. |
IUrlAccessor3 Extends the functionality of the IUrlAccessor2 interface with the IUrlAccessor3::GetImpersonationSidBlobs method to identify user security identifiers (SIDs) for a specified URL. |
IUrlAccessor4 Extends the functionality of the IUrlAccessor3 interface with the IUrlAccessor4::ShouldIndexItemContent method that identifies whether the content of the item should be indexed. |
AUTHENTICATION_INFO Describes security authentication information for content access. |
INCREMENTAL_ACCESS_INFO Contains access information used by an incremental crawl, such as the last access date and modification time. |
ITEM_INFO Contains information passed to the IUrlAccessor object about the current item; for example, the application name and catalog name. |
PROXY_INFO Stores information about a proxy. Used by ISearchProtocol. |
SEARCH_COLUMN_PROPERTIES This structure is not implemented. |
SEARCH_ITEM_CHANGE Specifies the changes to an indexed item. |
SEARCH_ITEM_INDEXING_STATUS Describes the status of a document to be indexed. |
SEARCH_ITEM_PERSISTENT_CHANGE Contains information about the kind of change that has occurred in an item to be indexed. This structure is used with the ISearchPersistentItemsChangedSink::OnItemsChanged method to pass information to the indexer about what has changed. |
TIMEOUT_INFO Stores time-out values for connections and data. |
AUTH_TYPE Describes authentication types for content access. |
CatalogPausedReason Used by ISearchCatalogManager::GetCatalogStatus to determine the reason the catalog is paused. |
CatalogStatus Used by ISearchCatalogManager::GetCatalogStatus to determine the current state of the catalog. |
CLUSION_REASON These flags enumerate reasons why URLs are included or excluded from the current crawl scope. |
FOLLOW_FLAGS Used to help define behavior when crawling or indexing. These flags are used by the ISearchCrawlScopeManager::AddDefaultScopeRule and ISearchCrawlScopeManager::AddUserScopeRule methods. |
PRIORITY_LEVEL Used by the IRowsetPrioritization interface to sets or retrieve the current indexer prioritization level for the scope specified by a query. |
PROXY_ACCESS Used by ISearchManager to state proxy use. |
ROWSETEVENT_ITEMSTATE Describes whether an item that matches the search criteria of a rowset is currently in that rowset. |
ROWSETEVENT_TYPE Describes the type of change to the rowset's data. |
SEARCH_INDEXING_PHASE Specifies the status of the current search indexing phase. |
SEARCH_KIND_OF_CHANGE Indicates the kind of change affecting an item when a source sink notifies a client that an item has been changed. |
SEARCH_NOTIFICATION_PRIORITY Indicates the priority of processing an item that has changed. |
SEARCH_QUERY_SYNTAX Specifies the type of query syntax. (SEARCH_QUERY_SYNTAX) |
SEARCH_TERM_EXPANSION Indicates wildcard options on search terms. Used by ISearchQueryHelper::get_QueryTermExpansion and ISearchQueryHelper::put_QueryTermExpansion methods. |
tagPRIORITIZE_FLAGS Used by PrioritizeMatchingURLs to specify how to process items the indexer has previously failed to index. |