DestroyIndexedResults function (resourceindexer.h)

Frees the parameters that the IndexFilePath method returned.


void DestroyIndexedResults(
  [in, optional] PWSTR                    resourceUri,
  [in]           ULONG                    qualifierCount,
  [in, optional] IndexedResourceQualifier *qualifiers


[in, optional] resourceUri

A uniform resource indicator (URI) that uses the ms-resource URI scheme and represents the named resource for the candidate, where the authority of the URI or the resource map is empty. For example, ms-resource:///Resources/String1 or ms-resource:///Files/images/logo.png.

[in] qualifierCount

The number of indexed resource qualifiers that the list in the ppQualifiers parameter contains.

[in, optional] qualifiers

A list of indexed resource qualifiers that declare the context under which the resources are appropriate.

Return value



Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Windows 10 [desktop apps only]
Minimum supported server Windows Server 2016 [desktop apps only]
Target Platform Windows
Header resourceindexer.h
Library Mrmsupport.lib
DLL Mrmsupport.dll

See also

