ClusterIsPathOnSharedVolume function (resapi.h)

Determines whether a path is on a cluster shared volume (CSV). This is used to determine whether ClusterGetVolumeNameForVolumeMountPoint or ClusterGetVolumePathName should be called instead of GetVolumeNameForVolumeMountPoint or GetVolumePathName. The PCLUSTER_IS_PATH_ON_SHARED_VOLUME type defines a pointer to this function.


BOOL ClusterIsPathOnSharedVolume(
  [in] LPCWSTR lpszPathName


[in] lpszPathName

A pointer to the input path string.

Return value

TRUE if the path is on a CSV and this function is called from a domain account, or if the path is on a CSV that is owned by a local cluster node; otherwise, FALSE.


The ClusterIsPathOnSharedVolume function must be called from a node of the cluster.

The following table explains the possible return values based on the type of cluster node that owns the CSV and the type of user account that calls this function.

User Account Type
CSV Ownership Local Domain
Local Cluster Node TRUE TRUE
Other Cluster Node FALSE TRUE


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client None supported
Minimum supported server Windows Server 2008 R2 Enterprise, Windows Server 2008 R2 Datacenter
Target Platform Windows
Header resapi.h
Library ResUtils.Lib
DLL ResUtils.Dll

See also

Backing Up and Restoring the Failover Cluster Configuration Using VSS

Backup and Restore Functions
