StgSerializePropVariant function (propvarutil.h)

The StgSerializePropVariant function converts a PROPVARIANT data type to a SERIALIZEDPROPERTYVALUE data type.


PSSTDAPI StgSerializePropVariant(
  [in]  const PROPVARIANT       *ppropvar,
  [out] ULONG                   *pcb


[in] ppropvar

A pointer to PROPVARIANT.

[out] ppProp

A pointer to the newly allocated SERIALIZEDPROPERTYVALUE.

[out] pcb

A pointer to the size of the newly allocated SERIALIZEDPROPERTYVALUE.

Return value

This function can return one of these values.


The StgSerializePropVariant function serializes a PROPVARIANT. The function is similar to the StgConvertVariantToProperty function, but the StgSerializePropVariant function automatically handles memory allocation for the new SERIALIZEDPROPERTYVALUE. In addition, StgSerializePropVariant uses the default values CP_WINUNICODE and PID_ILLEGAL for code page and property ID respectively. Use StgSerializePropVariant unless control over these arguments is specifically needed.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Windows 2000 Professional [desktop apps only]
Minimum supported server Windows 2000 Server [desktop apps only]
Target Platform Windows
Header propvarutil.h
Library Propsys.lib
DLL Propsys.dll

See also

