IPhotoProgressDialog::GetUserInput method (photoacquire.h)

Retrieves descriptive information entered by the user, such as the tag name of the images to store.


HRESULT GetUserInput(
  [in]  REFIID            riidType,
  [in]  IUnknown          *pUnknown,
  [out] PROPVARIANT       *pPropVarResult,
  [in]  const PROPVARIANT *pPropVarDefault


[in] riidType

Specifies the interface identifier (ID) of the prompt type. Currently, the only supported value is IID_IUserInputString.

[in] pUnknown

Pointer to an object of the prompt class. Currently, the only supported type is IUserInputString.

[out] pPropVarResult

Pointer to a property variant that stores the user input. Must be freed by the caller using ClearPropVariant.

[in] pPropVarDefault

Pointer to a property variant containing the default value to be used if no input is supplied.

Return value

The method returns an HRESULT. Possible values include, but are not limited to, those in the following table.

Return code Description
The method succeeded.
The progress dialog has been suppressed


If the progress dialog box has been suppressed in IPhotoAcquire::Acquire, and IPhotoAcquireProgressCB::GetUserInput is either not implemented, or returns E_NOTIMPL, this method will return S_FALSE, and pPropVarResult will contain the value stored in the optional pPropVarDefault argument.


Requirement Value
Target Platform Windows
Header photoacquire.h
Library PhotoAcquireUID.lib

See also

IPhotoAcquireProgressCB Interface

IPhotoProgressDialog Interface