PerfEnumerateCounterSet function (perflib.h)

Gets the counter set identifiers of the counter sets that are registered on the

specified system.

Counter set identifiers are globally unique identifiers (GUIDs).


ULONG PerfEnumerateCounterSet(
  [in, optional]  LPCWSTR szMachine,
  [out, optional] LPGUID  pCounterSetIds,
                  DWORD   cCounterSetIds,
  [out]           LPDWORD pcCounterSetIdsActual


[in, optional] szMachine

The name of the machine for which to get the counter set identifiers. If NULL, the function retrieves the counter set identifiers for the local machine.

[out, optional] pCounterSetIds

A pointer to a buffer that has enough space to receive the number of GUIDs that the cCounterSetIds parameter specifies. May be NULL if

cCounterSetIds is 0.


The size of the buffer that the pCounterSetIds parameter specifies, measured in GUIDs.

[out] pcCounterSetIdsActual

The size of the buffer actually required to get the counter set identifiers. The meaning depends on the value that the function


Function Return Value Meaning of pcCounterSetIdsActual
ERROR_SUCCESS The number of

GUIDs that the function stored in the buffer that pCounterSetIds specified.


size (in GUIDs) of the buffer required. Enlarge the buffer to the required

size and call the function again.

Other The value is undefined and should not be used.

Return value

Return code Description
The function successfully stored all of the content set identifiers in the buffer that pCounterSetIds specified. The value that pcCounterSetIdsActual points to indicates the number of counter set identifiers actually stored in the buffer.
The buffer that pCounterSetIds specified was not large enough to store all of the counter set identifiers for the counter sets on the specified system. The value that pcCounterSetIdsActual points to indicates the size of the buffer required to store all of the counter set identifiers. Enlarge the buffer to the required

size and call the function again.


For other types of failures, the return value is a system error code.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Windows 10, version 1607 [desktop apps only]
Minimum supported server Windows Server 2016 [desktop apps only]
Target Platform Windows
Header perflib.h
Library AdvAPI32.lib
DLL AdvAPI32.dll

See also
