VarDiv function (oleauto.h)

Returns the result from dividing two variants.


  [in]  LPVARIANT pvarLeft,
  [in]  LPVARIANT pvarRight,
  [out] LPVARIANT pvarResult


[in] pvarLeft

The first variant.

[in] pvarRight

The second variant.

[out] pvarResult

The result variant.

Return value

If this function succeeds, it returns S_OK. Otherwise, it returns an HRESULT error code.


The function operates as follows.

Condition Result
Both expressions are strings, dates, characters, or boolean values Double
One expression is a string and the other a character Division and a double is returned
One expression is numeric and the other a string Division and a double is returned
Both expressions are numeric Division and a double is returned
Either expression is null Null
pvarRight is empty and pvarLeft is not empty DISP_E_DIVBYZERO
pvarLeft is empty and pvarRight is not empty 0 as type double
Both expressions are empty DISP_E_OVERFLOW


Requirement Value
Target Platform Windows
Header oleauto.h
Library OleAut32.lib
DLL OleAut32.dll