IAccessibleWindowlessSite::AcquireObjectIdRange method (oleacc.h)

Acquires a range of object IDs from the control host and marks them as reserved by a specific windowless control.


HRESULT AcquireObjectIdRange(
  [in]           long               rangeSize,
  [in, optional] IAccessibleHandler *pRangeOwner,
  [out]          long               *pRangeBase


[in] rangeSize

The size of the object ID range that is being requested.

[in, optional] pRangeOwner

The windowless control that is requesting the range.

[out] pRangeBase

The first object ID in the acquired range.

Return value

If this method succeeds, it returns S_OK. Otherwise, it returns an HRESULT error code.


To avoid using an object ID that belongs to another windowless control, a control should acquire an object ID range before calling the NotifyWinEvent function. A control should acquire enough object IDs for all of its contained accessible objects. For example, a tree control with 100 children would reserve at least 101 object IDs, one for the root, and one for each child. A tree control that is expected to grow would reserve as many object IDs as expected. If the tree control is expected to grow by several hundred children, it would reserve a range of 1000 IDs just to be safe.

When the window that contains the Microsoft ActiveX control receives a WM_GETOBJECT message with an LPARAM value (object ID) that is in a reserved range, it should call the IAccessibleHandler::AccessibleObjectFromID method to get an IAccessible object for that object ID.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Windows 8 [desktop apps only]
Minimum supported server Windows Server 2012 [desktop apps only]
Target Platform Windows
Header oleacc.h
Library Oleacc.lib
DLL Oleacc.dll

See also

