Contains parameters for the Number of Queues Feature that indicate the number of I/O Completion Queues and I/O Submission Queues that the host requests for this controller.

The values from this structure are used in the NumberOfQueues field of the NVME_CDW11_FEATURES structure.


typedef union {
  struct {
    ULONG NSQ : 16;
    ULONG NCQ : 16;
  ULONG  AsUlong;




Indicates the number of I/O Submission Queues requested by the host. This number does not include the Admin Submission Queue. A minimum of one should be requested, reflecting that the minimum support is for one I/O Submission Queue. This is a 0’s based value.

The maximum value that may be specified is 65,534 (indicating 65,535 I/O Submission Queues).

If the specified value specified is greater than the maximum value, the controller will return a status of NVME_STATUS_INVALID_FIELD_IN_COMMAND.


Indicates the number of I/O Completion Queues requested by the host. This number does not include the Admin Completion Queue. A minimum of one should be requested, reflecting that the minimum support is for one I/O Completion Queue. This is a 0’s based value.

The maximum value that may be specified is 65,534 (indicating 65,535 I/O Completion Queues).

If the specified value specified is greater than the maximum value, the controller will return a status of NVME_STATUS_INVALID_FIELD_IN_COMMAND.



Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Windows 10
Header nvme.h

See also