nspapi.h header
This header is used by Windows Sockets 2. For more information, see:
nspapi.h contains the following programming interfaces:
EnumProtocolsA The EnumProtocols function retrieves information about a specified set of network protocols that are active on a local host. (ANSI) |
EnumProtocolsW The EnumProtocols function retrieves information about a specified set of network protocols that are active on a local host. (Unicode) |
GetAddressByNameA GetAddressByName is no longer available for use as of Windows Sockets 2. (ANSI) |
GetAddressByNameW GetAddressByName is no longer available for use as of Windows Sockets 2. (Unicode) |
GetNameByTypeA The GetNameByType function retrieves the name of a network service for the specified service type. (ANSI) |
GetNameByTypeW The GetNameByType function retrieves the name of a network service for the specified service type. (Unicode) |
GetServiceA The GetService function retrieves information about a network service in the context of a set of default namespaces or a specified namespace. (ANSI) |
GetServiceW The GetService function retrieves information about a network service in the context of a set of default namespaces or a specified namespace. (Unicode) |
GetTypeByNameA The GetTypeByName function retrieves a service type GUID for a network service specified by name. (ANSI) |
GetTypeByNameW The GetTypeByName function retrieves a service type GUID for a network service specified by name. (Unicode) |
SetServiceA The SetService function registers or removes from the registry a network service within one or more namespaces. (ANSI) |
SetServiceW The SetService function registers or removes from the registry a network service within one or more namespaces. (Unicode) |
BLOB The BLOB structure (nspapi.h), which is derived from Binary Large Object, contains information about a block of data. |
CSADDR_INFO The CSADDR_INFO structure (nspapi.h) contains Windows Sockets address information for a socket, network service, or namespace provider. |
NS_SERVICE_INFOA Contains information about a network service or a network service type in the context of a specified namespace, or a set of default namespaces. (ANSI) |
NS_SERVICE_INFOW Contains information about a network service or a network service type in the context of a specified namespace, or a set of default namespaces. (Unicode) |
PROTOCOL_INFOA Contains information about a protocol. (ANSI) |
PROTOCOL_INFOW Contains information about a protocol. (Unicode) |
SERVICE_ADDRESS Contains address information for a service. The structure can accommodate many types of interprocess communications (IPC) mechanisms and their address forms, including remote procedure calls (RPC), named pipes, and sockets. |
SERVICE_ADDRESSES The SERVICE_ADDRESSES structure contains an array of SERVICE_ADDRESS data structures. |
SERVICE_INFOA Contains information about a network service or a network service type. (ANSI) |
SERVICE_INFOW Contains information about a network service or a network service type. (Unicode) |
SERVICE_TYPE_INFO_ABSA The SERVICE_TYPE_INFO_ABS structure contains information about a network service type. Use SERVICE_TYPE_INFO_ABS to add a network service type to a namespace. (ANSI) |
SERVICE_TYPE_INFO_ABSW The SERVICE_TYPE_INFO_ABS structure contains information about a network service type. Use SERVICE_TYPE_INFO_ABS to add a network service type to a namespace. (Unicode) |
SERVICE_TYPE_VALUE_ABSA Contains information about a network-service type value. This information may be specific to a namespace. (ANSI) |
SERVICE_TYPE_VALUE_ABSW Contains information about a network-service type value. This information may be specific to a namespace. (Unicode) |