netcon.h header
This header is used by Windows Firewall Technologies. For more information, see:
netcon.h contains the following programming interfaces:
IEnumNetSharingEveryConnection The IEnumNetSharingEveryConnection interface provides methods for enumerating all the connections in the Connections folder. |
IEnumNetSharingPortMapping The IEnumNetSharingPortMapping interface provides methods to enumerate the port mappings for a particular connection. |
IEnumNetSharingPrivateConnection The IEnumNetSharingPrivateConnection interface provides methods for enumerating the currently configured privately-shared connections. |
IEnumNetSharingPublicConnection The IEnumNetSharingPublicConnection interface provides methods for enumerating the currently configured publicly-shared connections. |
INetConnection The INetConnection interface provides methods to manage network connections. |
INetConnectionProps Use the INetConnectionProps interface to retrieve the properties for a connection. |
INetSharingConfiguration The INetSharingConfiguration interface provides methods to manage connection sharing, port mapping, and Internet Connection Firewall. |
INetSharingEveryConnectionCollection The INetSharingEveryConnectionCollection interface makes it possible for scripting languages such as VBScript and JScript to enumerate all the connections in the connections folder. |
INetSharingManager The INetSharingManager interface is the primary interface for the Manager object. INetSharingManager provides methods to determine if sharing is installed, to manage port mappings, and to obtain enumeration interfaces for public and private connections. |
INetSharingPortMapping The INetSharingPortMapping interface provides methods for managing a particular port mapping. |
INetSharingPortMappingCollection The INetSharingPortMappingCollection interface makes it possible for scripting languages such as VBScript and JScript to enumerate port mappings. |
INetSharingPortMappingProps The INetSharingPortMappingProps interface provides methods that retrieve and set the properties of a network connection port mapping. |
INetSharingPrivateConnectionCollection The INetSharingPrivateConnectionCollection interface makes it possible for scripting languages such as VBScript and JScript to enumerate private connections. |
INetSharingPublicConnectionCollection The INetSharingPublicConnectionCollection interface makes it possible for scripting languages such as VBScript and JScript to enumerate public connections. |
NcFreeNetconProperties The NcFreeNetconProperties function frees memory associated with NETCON_PROPERTIES structures. |
NcIsValidConnectionName The NcIsValidConnectionName function verifies if the passed in connection name is valid. |
NETCON_PROPERTIES The NETCON_PROPERTIES structure stores values that describe the properties of a network connection. |
NETCON_CHARACTERISTIC_FLAGS The NETCON_CHARACTERISTIC_FLAGS enumeration type specifies possible characteristics for a network connection. |
NETCON_MEDIATYPE The values of the NETCON_MEDIATYPE enumerate the possible ways the computer connects to the network. |
NETCON_STATUS The NETCON_STATUS type enumerates possible status conditions for a network connection. |
NETCON_TYPE The NETCON_TYPE type enumerates the various kinds of network connections. |
SHARINGCONNECTIONTYPE The values of the SHARINGCONNECTIONTYPE type enumerate the possible types of shared connections. |