INetDiagHelperEx::ReconfirmLowHealth method (ndhelper.h)

The ReconfirmLowHealth method is used to add a second Low Health pass after hypotheses have been diagnosed and before repairs are retrieved. This method allows the helper class to see the diagnostics results and to change the diagnosis if needed. The method is only called if a diagnosis is not rejected and hypotheses were generated.


HRESULT ReconfirmLowHealth(
  [in]  ULONG            celt,
  [in]  HypothesisResult *pResults,
  [out] LPWSTR           *ppwszUpdatedDescription,
  [out] DIAGNOSIS_STATUS *pUpdatedStatus


[in] celt

The number of HypothesisResult structures pointed to by pResults.

[in] pResults

Pointer to HypothesisResult structure(s) containing the HYPOTHESIS information obtained via the GetLowerHypotheses method along with the status of that hypothesis. Includes one HypothesisResult structure for each hypothesis generated by the helper class's call to GetLowerHypotheses.

[out] ppwszUpdatedDescription

An updated description of the incident being diagnosed.

[out] pUpdatedStatus

A DIAGNOSIS_STATUS value which indicates the status of the incident.

Return value

Possible return values include, but are not limited to, the following.

Return code Description
The operation succeeded.

Any result other than S_OK will be interpreted as an error and will cause the function results to be discarded.


This method is not required when building a Helper Class Extension.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Windows 7 [desktop apps only]
Minimum supported server Windows Server 2008 R2 [desktop apps only]
Target Platform Windows
Header ndhelper.h

See also


