ndattrib.h header
This header is used by Network Diagnostics Framework. For more information, see:
ndattrib.h contains the following programming interfaces:
DIAG_SOCKADDR Stores an Internet Protocol (IP) address for a computer that is participating in a Windows Sockets communication. |
HELPER_ATTRIBUTE The HELPER_ATTRIBUTE structure contains all NDF supported data types. |
LIFE_TIME The LIFE_TIME structure contains a start time and an end time. |
OCTET_STRING The OCTET_STRING structure contains a pointer to a string of byte data. |
RepairInfo The RepairInfo structure contains data required for a particular repair option. |
RepairInfoEx Contains detailed repair information that can be used to help resolve the root cause of an incident. |
RootCauseInfo Contains detailed information about the root cause of an incident. |
ShellCommandInfo The ShellCommandInfo structure contains data required to launch an additional application for manual repair options. |
UiInfo The UiInfo structure is used to display repair messages to the user. |
ATTRIBUTE_TYPE The ATTRIBUTE_TYPE enumeration defines possible values for a helper attribute. |
REPAIR_RISK The REPAIR_RISK enumeration specifies whether repair changes are persistent and whether they can be undone. |
REPAIR_SCOPE The REPAIR_SCOPE enumeration describes the scope of modification for a given repair. |
UI_INFO_TYPE The UI_INFO_TYPE enumeration identifies repairs that perform user interface tasks. |