ISCPSecureQuery3::GetRightsOnClearChannel method (mswmdm.h)
The GetRightsOnClearChannel method retrieves rights information for the current piece of content on a clear channel.
HRESULT GetRightsOnClearChannel(
[in] BYTE *pData,
[in] DWORD dwSize,
[in] BYTE *pbSPSessionKey,
[in] DWORD dwSessionKeyLen,
[in] IMDSPStorageGlobals *pStgGlobals,
[in] IWMDMProgress3 *pProgressCallback,
[out] PWMDMRIGHTS *ppRights,
[out] UINT *pnRightsCount
[in] pData
Pointer to data object.
[in] dwSize
Number of bytes of data in the pData buffer.
[in] pbSPSessionKey
Pointer to an array of bytes containing the session key for securing communication with the service provider to which pStgGlobals points.
[in] dwSessionKeyLen
Length of the byte array to which pbSPSessionKey points.
[in] pStgGlobals
Pointer to an IWMDMStorageGlobals interface on the root storage of the media or device to or from which the file is being transferred.
[in] pProgressCallback
Pointer to an IWMDMProgress3 interface.
[out] ppRights
Pointer to an array of WMDMRIGHTS structures containing the rights information for this object. The array is allocated by this method and must be freed using CoTaskMemFree.
[out] pnRightsCount
Number of WMDMRIGHTS structures in the ppRights array.
Return value
If the method succeeds, it returns S_OK. If the method fails, it returns an HRESULT error code.
Return code | Description |
This method was called out of sequence. ISCPSecureQuery::GetDataDemands and then ISCPSecureQuery::ExamineData must be called, in that order. |
The message authentication code is not valid. |
The caller does not have the rights required to perform the requested operation. |
A parameter is invalid or is a NULL pointer. |
An unspecified error occurred. |
This method is identical to ISCPSecureQuery::GetRights except that the parameters passed to this method are not encrypted. Consequently this method is more efficient.
Requirement | Value |
Target Platform | Windows |
Header | mswmdm.h |
Library | Mssachlp.lib |