ISimilarityTraitsMappedView::Get method (msrdc.h)

Returns information about the mapped view of a similarity traits table file.


  [in]  unsigned __int64         index,
  [in]  BOOL                     dirty,
  [in]  DWORD                    numElements,
  [out] SimilarityMappedViewInfo *viewInfo


[in] index

Beginning file offset, in bytes, of the underlying file data to be mapped in the mapped view.

[in] dirty

If TRUE is specified, the data in the currently mapped view has been changed; otherwise, the data has not changed. This parameter can be used to determine if data may need to be written to disk.

[in] numElements

Minimum number of bytes of data to be mapped in the mapped view.

[out] viewInfo

Pointer to a location that receives a SimilarityMappedViewInfo structure containing information about the mapped view.

Return value

If this method succeeds, it returns S_OK. Otherwise, it returns an HRESULT error code.


At least numElements bytes must be available in the mapped view, but depending on the application, more bytes may actually be mapped. The data must be 8-byte aligned relative to the file offset. For example, the data at file offset 0x8001 must be mapped to some memory location whose address modulo 8 is 1.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Windows Vista
Minimum supported server Windows Server 2008
Target Platform Windows
Header msrdc.h
DLL MsRdc.dll

See also
