IInkTablet::get_HardwareCapabilities method (msinkaut.h)

Gets a bitmask that defines the hardware capabilities of the tablet, such as whether a cursor must be in physical contact with the tablet to report its position.

This property is read-only.


HRESULT get_HardwareCapabilities(
  TabletHardwareCapabilities *Capabilities



Return value



For a complete list of hardware capability values that you can use, see the TabletHardwareCapabilities enumeration type.

Note  Accessing this property within certain message handlers can result in the underlying function being re-entered, causing unexpected results. Take care to avoid a reentrant call when handling any of the following messages: WM_ACTIVATE, WM_ACTIVATEAPP, WMNCACTIVATE, WM_PAINT; WM_SYSCOMMAND if wParam is set to SC_HOTKEY or SC_TASKLIST; and WM_SYSKEYDOWN (when processing Alt-Tab or Alt-Esc key combinations). This is an issue with single-threaded apartment model applications.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Windows XP Tablet PC Edition [desktop apps only]
Minimum supported server None supported
Target Platform Windows
Header msinkaut.h
Library InkObj.dll

See also

IInkTablet Interface

TabletHardwareCapabilities Enumeration