IInkCursor::putref_DrawingAttributes method (msinkaut.h)

Gets or sets the drawing attributes to apply to ink as it is drawn.

This property is read/write.


HRESULT putref_DrawingAttributes(
  IInkDrawingAttributes *Attributes



Return value



The drawing attributes specify the appearance of the stroke. For example, you can specify the style and color of a pen.

A cursor can have different drawing attributes for each InkCollector with which it comes in contact. If you do not specify drawing attributes for a cursor, it uses the default drawing attributes of the InkCollector object. These default attributes are set with the DefaultDrawingAttributes property of the InkCollector object.

Successive calls to the DrawingAttributes property change only the drawing attributes of new strokes. They do not apply to strokes that are already collected or being collected.

Note  This property behaves differently than the DefaultDrawingAttributes property. Although the DefaultDrawingAttributes property specifies the drawing attributes that are applied to a new cursor, the DrawingAttributes property specifies the drawing attributes for ink that is yet to be collected.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Windows XP Tablet PC Edition [desktop apps only]
Minimum supported server None supported
Target Platform Windows
Header msinkaut.h
Library InkObj.dll

See also

DefaultDrawingAttributes Property

InkCollector Class

InkCursor Interface

InkDrawingAttributes Class