mscat.h header
This header is used by Security and Identity. For more information, see:
mscat.h contains the following programming interfaces:
CryptCATAdminAcquireContext Acquires a handle to a catalog administrator context. |
CryptCATAdminAcquireContext2 Acquires a handle to a catalog administrator context for a given hash algorithm and hash policy. |
CryptCATAdminAddCatalog Adds a catalog to the catalog database. |
CryptCATAdminCalcHashFromFileHandle Calculates the hash for a file. |
CryptCATAdminCalcHashFromFileHandle2 Calculates the hash for a file by using the specified algorithm. |
CryptCATAdminEnumCatalogFromHash Enumerates the catalogs that contain a specified hash. |
CryptCATAdminReleaseCatalogContext Releases a handle to a catalog context previously returned by the CryptCATAdminAddCatalog function. |
CryptCATAdminReleaseContext Releases the handle previously assigned by the CryptCATAdminAcquireContext function. |
CryptCATAdminRemoveCatalog Deletes a catalog file and removes that catalog's entry from the Windows catalog database. |
CryptCATAdminResolveCatalogPath Retrieves the fully qualified path of the specified catalog. |
CryptCATCatalogInfoFromContext Retrieves catalog information from a specified catalog context. |
CryptCATCDFClose Closes a catalog definition file (CDF) and frees the memory for the corresponding CRYPTCATCDF structure. |
CryptCATCDFEnumCatAttributes Enumerates catalog-level attributes within the CatalogHeader section of a catalog definition file (CDF). |
CryptCATCDFOpen Opens an existing catalog definition file (CDF) for reading and initializes a CRYPTCATCDF structure. |
CryptCATClose Closes a catalog handle opened previously by the CryptCATOpen function. |
CryptCATEnumerateAttr Enumerates the attributes associated with a member of a catalog. This function has no associated import library. |
CryptCATEnumerateCatAttr Enumerates the attributes associated with a catalog. This function has no associated import library. |
CryptCATEnumerateMember Enumerates the members of a catalog. |
CryptCATGetAttrInfo Retrieves information about an attribute of a member of a catalog. |
CryptCATGetMemberInfo Retrieves member information from the catalog's PKCS |
CryptCATHandleFromStore Retrieves a catalog handle from memory. |
CryptCATOpen Opens a catalog and returns a context handle to the open catalog. |
CryptCATPersistStore Saves the information in the specified catalog store to an unsigned catalog file. |
CryptCATPutAttrInfo Allocates memory for an attribute and adds it to a catalog member. |
CryptCATPutCatAttrInfo Allocates memory for a catalog file attribute and adds it to the catalog. |
CryptCATPutMemberInfo Allocates memory for a catalog member and adds it to the catalog. |
CryptCATStoreFromHandle Retrieves a CRYPTCATSTORE structure from a catalog handle. |
IsCatalogFile Retrieves a Boolean value that indicates whether the specified file is a catalog file. |
Callback functions
PFN_CDF_PARSE_ERROR_CALLBACK Called for Catalog Definition Function errors while parsing a catalog definition file (CDF). |
CATALOG_INFO The CATALOG_INFO structure contains the name of a catalog file. This structure is used by the CryptCATCatalogInfoFromContext function. |
CRYPTCATATTRIBUTE The CRYPTCATATTRIBUTE structure defines a catalog attribute. This structure is used by the CryptCATEnumerateAttr and CryptCATEnumerateCatAttr functions. |
CRYPTCATCDF Contains information used to create a signed catalog file (.cat) from a catalog definition file (CDF). |
CRYPTCATMEMBER The CRYPTCATMEMBER structure provides information about a catalog member. This structure is used by the CryptCATGetMemberInfo and CryptCATEnumerateAttr functions. |
CRYPTCATSTORE Represents a catalog file. |