mmeapi.h header
This header is used by Windows Multimedia. For more information, see:
mmeapi.h contains the following programming interfaces:
auxGetDevCaps The auxGetDevCaps function (mmeapi.h) retrieves the capabilities of a given auxiliary output device. |
auxGetDevCapsA The auxGetDevCaps function retrieves the capabilities of a given auxiliary output device. (auxGetDevCapsA) |
auxGetDevCapsW The auxGetDevCapsW (Unicode) function (mmeapi.h) retrieves the capabilities of a given auxiliary output device. |
auxGetNumDevs The auxGetNumDevs function retrieves the number of auxiliary output devices present in the system. |
auxGetVolume The auxGetVolume function retrieves the current volume setting of the specified auxiliary output device. |
auxOutMessage The auxOutMessage function sends a message to the given auxiliary output device. This function also performs error checking on the device identifier passed as part of the message. |
auxSetVolume The auxSetVolume function sets the volume of the specified auxiliary output device. |
MEVT_EVENTPARM The MEVT_EVENTPARM macro retrieves the event parameters or length from the value specified in the dwEvent member of a MIDIEVENT structure. |
MEVT_EVENTTYPE The MEVT_EVENTTYPE macro retrieves the event type from the value specified in the dwEvent member of a MIDIEVENT structure. |
midiConnect The midiConnect function connects a MIDI input device to a MIDI thru or output device, or connects a MIDI thru device to a MIDI output device. |
midiDisconnect The midiDisconnect function disconnects a MIDI input device from a MIDI thru or output device, or disconnects a MIDI thru device from a MIDI output device. |
midiInAddBuffer The midiInAddBuffer function sends an input buffer to a specified opened MIDI input device. This function is used for system-exclusive messages. |
midiInClose The midiInClose function closes the specified MIDI input device. |
midiInGetDevCaps The midiInGetDevCaps function (mmeapi.h) determines the capabilities of a specified MIDI input device. |
midiInGetDevCapsA The midiInGetDevCaps function determines the capabilities of a specified MIDI input device. (midiInGetDevCapsA) |
midiInGetDevCapsW The midiInGetDevCapsW (Unicode) function (mmeapi.h) determines the capabilities of a specified MIDI input device. |
midiInGetErrorText The midiInGetErrorText function (mmeapi.h) retrieves a textual description for an error identified by the specified error code. |
midiInGetErrorTextA The midiInGetErrorText function retrieves a textual description for an error identified by the specified error code. (midiInGetErrorTextA) |
midiInGetErrorTextW The midiInGetErrorTextW (Unicode) function (mmeapi.h) retrieves a textual description for an error identified by the specified error code. |
midiInGetID The midiInGetID function gets the device identifier for the given MIDI input device. |
midiInGetNumDevs The midiInGetNumDevs function retrieves the number of MIDI input devices in the system. |
midiInMessage The midiInMessage function sends a message to the MIDI device driver. |
midiInOpen The midiInOpen function opens a specified MIDI input device. |
midiInPrepareHeader The midiInPrepareHeader function prepares a buffer for MIDI input. |
midiInReset The midiInReset function stops input on a given MIDI input device. |
midiInStart The midiInStart function starts MIDI input on the specified MIDI input device. |
midiInStop The midiInStop function stops MIDI input on the specified MIDI input device. |
midiInUnprepareHeader The midiInUnprepareHeader function cleans up the preparation performed by the midiInPrepareHeader function. |
midiOutCacheDrumPatches The midiOutCacheDrumPatches function requests that an internal MIDI synthesizer device preload and cache a specified set of key-based percussion patches. |
midiOutCachePatches The midiOutCachePatches function requests that an internal MIDI synthesizer device preload and cache a specified set of patches. |
midiOutClose The midiOutClose function closes the specified MIDI output device. |
midiOutGetDevCaps The midiOutGetDevCaps function (mmeapi.h) queries a specified MIDI output device to determine its capabilities. |
midiOutGetDevCapsA The midiOutGetDevCaps function queries a specified MIDI output device to determine its capabilities. (midiOutGetDevCapsA) |
midiOutGetDevCapsW The midiOutGetDevCapsW (Unicode) function (mmeapi.h) queries a specified MIDI output device to determine its capabilities. |
midiOutGetErrorText The midiOutGetErrorText (mmeapi.h) function retrieves a textual description for an error identified by the specified error code. |
midiOutGetErrorTextA The midiOutGetErrorText function retrieves a textual description for an error identified by the specified error code. (midiOutGetErrorTextA) |
midiOutGetErrorTextW The midiOutGetErrorTextW (Unicode) function (mmeapi.h) retrieves a textual description for an error identified by the specified error code. |
midiOutGetID The midiOutGetID function retrieves the device identifier for the given MIDI output device. |
midiOutGetNumDevs The midiOutGetNumDevs function retrieves the number of MIDI output devices present in the system. |
midiOutGetVolume The midiOutGetVolume function retrieves the current volume setting of a MIDI output device. |
midiOutLongMsg The midiOutLongMsg function sends a system-exclusive MIDI message to the specified MIDI output device. |
midiOutMessage The midiOutMessage function sends a message to the MIDI device drivers. This function is used only for driver-specific messages that are not supported by the MIDI API. |
midiOutOpen The midiOutOpen function opens a MIDI output device for playback. |
midiOutPrepareHeader The midiOutPrepareHeader function prepares a MIDI system-exclusive or stream buffer for output. |
midiOutReset The midiOutReset function turns off all notes on all MIDI channels for the specified MIDI output device. |
midiOutSetVolume The midiOutSetVolume function sets the volume of a MIDI output device. |
midiOutShortMsg The midiOutShortMsg function sends a short MIDI message to the specified MIDI output device. |
midiOutUnprepareHeader The midiOutUnprepareHeader function cleans up the preparation performed by the midiOutPrepareHeader function. |
midiStreamClose The midiStreamClose function closes an open MIDI stream. |
midiStreamOpen The midiStreamOpen function opens a MIDI stream for output. By default, the device is opened in paused mode. The stream handle retrieved by this function must be used in all subsequent references to the stream. |
midiStreamOut The midiStreamOut function plays or queues a stream (buffer) of MIDI data to a MIDI output device. |
midiStreamPause The midiStreamPause function pauses playback of a specified MIDI stream. |
midiStreamPosition The midiStreamPosition function retrieves the current position in a MIDI stream. |
midiStreamProperty The midiStreamProperty function sets or retrieves properties of a MIDI data stream associated with a MIDI output device. |
midiStreamRestart The midiStreamRestart function restarts a paused MIDI stream. |
midiStreamStop The midiStreamStop function turns off all notes on all MIDI channels for the specified MIDI output device. |
mixerClose The mixerClose function closes the specified mixer device. |
mixerGetControlDetails The mixerGetControlDetails function (mmeapi.h) retrieves details about a single control associated with an audio line. |
mixerGetControlDetailsA The mixerGetControlDetails function retrieves details about a single control associated with an audio line. (mixerGetControlDetailsA) |
mixerGetControlDetailsW The mixerGetControlDetailsW (Unicode) function (mmeapi.h) retrieves details about a single control associated with an audio line. |
mixerGetDevCaps The mixerGetDevCaps function (mmeapi.h) queries a specified mixer device to determine its capabilities. |
mixerGetDevCapsA The mixerGetDevCaps function queries a specified mixer device to determine its capabilities. (mixerGetDevCapsA) |
mixerGetDevCapsW The mixerGetDevCapsW (Unicode) function (mmeapi.h) queries a specified mixer device to determine its capabilities. |
mixerGetID The mixerGetID function retrieves the device identifier for a mixer device associated with a specified device handle. |
mixerGetLineControls The mixerGetLineControls function (mmeapi.h) retrieves one or more controls associated with an audio line. |
mixerGetLineControlsA The mixerGetLineControls function retrieves one or more controls associated with an audio line. (mixerGetLineControlsA) |
mixerGetLineControlsW The mixerGetLineControlsW (Unicode) function retrieves one or more controls associated with an audio line. (mixerGetLineControlsW) |
mixerGetLineInfo The mixerGetLineInfo function retrieves information about a specific line of a mixer device and contains parameters that modify the function. |
mixerGetLineInfoA The mixerGetLineInfo function retrieves information about a specific line of a mixer device. (mixerGetLineInfoA) |
mixerGetLineInfoW The mixerGetLineInfoW (Unicode) function retrieves information about a specific line of a mixer device. (mixerGetLineInfoW) |
mixerGetNumDevs The mixerGetNumDevs function retrieves the number of mixer devices present in the system. |
mixerMessage The mixerMessage function sends a custom mixer driver message directly to a mixer driver. |
mixerOpen The mixerOpen function opens a specified mixer device and ensures that the device will not be removed until the application closes the handle. |
mixerSetControlDetails The mixerSetControlDetails function sets properties of a single control associated with an audio line. |
waveInAddBuffer The waveInAddBuffer function sends an input buffer to the given waveform-audio input device. When the buffer is filled, the application is notified. |
waveInClose The waveInClose function closes the given waveform-audio input device. |
waveInGetDevCaps The waveInGetDevCaps function retrieves the capabilities of a given waveform-audio input device. |
waveInGetErrorText The waveInGetErrorText function retrieves a textual description of the error identified by the given error number. |
waveInGetID The waveInGetID function gets the device identifier for the given waveform-audio input device. |
waveInGetNumDevs The waveInGetNumDevs function returns the number of waveform-audio input devices present in the system. |
waveInGetPosition waveInGetPosition is no longer supported for use as of Windows Vista. |
waveInMessage The waveInMessage function sends messages to the waveform-audio input device drivers. |
waveInOpen The waveInOpen function opens the given waveform-audio input device for recording. |
waveInPrepareHeader The waveInPrepareHeader function prepares a buffer for waveform-audio input. |
waveInReset The waveInReset function stops input on the given waveform-audio input device and resets the current position to zero. All pending buffers are marked as done and returned to the application. |
waveInStart The waveInStart function starts input on the given waveform-audio input device. |
waveInStop The waveInStop function stops waveform-audio input. |
waveInUnprepareHeader The waveInUnprepareHeader function cleans up the preparation performed by the waveInPrepareHeader function. |
waveOutBreakLoop The waveOutBreakLoop function breaks a loop on the given waveform-audio output device and allows playback to continue with the next block in the driver list. |
waveOutClose The waveOutClose function closes the given waveform-audio output device. |
waveOutGetDevCaps The waveOutGetDevCaps function retrieves the capabilities of a given waveform-audio output device. |
waveOutGetErrorText The waveOutGetErrorText function retrieves a textual description of the error identified by the given error number. |
waveOutGetID The waveOutGetID function retrieves the device identifier for the given waveform-audio output device. |
waveOutGetNumDevs The waveOutGetNumDevs function retrieves the number of waveform-audio output devices present in the system. |
waveOutGetPitch The waveOutGetPitch function retrieves the current pitch setting for the specified waveform-audio output device. |
waveOutGetPlaybackRate The waveOutGetPlaybackRate function retrieves the current playback rate for the specified waveform-audio output device. |
waveOutGetPosition The waveOutGetPosition function retrieves the current playback position of the given waveform-audio output device. |
waveOutGetVolume The waveOutGetVolume function retrieves the current volume level of the specified waveform-audio output device. |
waveOutMessage The waveOutMessage function sends messages to the waveform-audio output device drivers. |
waveOutOpen The waveOutOpen function opens the given waveform-audio output device for playback. |
waveOutPause The waveOutPause function pauses playback on the given waveform-audio output device. The current position is saved. Use the waveOutRestart function to resume playback from the current position. |
waveOutPrepareHeader The waveOutPrepareHeader function prepares a waveform-audio data block for playback. |
waveOutReset The waveOutReset function stops playback on the given waveform-audio output device and resets the current position to zero. All pending playback buffers are marked as done (WHDR_DONE) and returned to the application. |
waveOutRestart The waveOutRestart function resumes playback on a paused waveform-audio output device. |
waveOutSetPitch The waveOutSetPitch function sets the pitch for the specified waveform-audio output device. |
waveOutSetPlaybackRate The waveOutSetPlaybackRate function sets the playback rate for the specified waveform-audio output device. |
waveOutSetVolume The waveOutSetVolume function sets the volume level of the specified waveform-audio output device. |
waveOutUnprepareHeader The waveOutUnprepareHeader function cleans up the preparation performed by the waveOutPrepareHeader function. This function must be called after the device driver is finished with a data block. You must call this function before freeing the buffer. |
waveOutWrite The waveOutWrite function sends a data block to the given waveform-audio output device. |
AUXCAPS The AUXCAPS structure describes the capabilities of an auxiliary output device. (AUXCAPS) |
AUXCAPSA The AUXCAPS structure describes the capabilities of an auxiliary output device. (AUXCAPSA) |
AUXCAPSW The AUXCAPS structure describes the capabilities of an auxiliary output device. (AUXCAPSW) |
MIDIEVENT The MIDIEVENT structure describes a MIDI event in a stream buffer. |
MIDIHDR The MIDIHDR structure defines the header used to identify a MIDI system-exclusive or stream buffer. |
MIDIINCAPS The MIDIINCAPS structure describes the capabilities of a MIDI input device. (MIDIINCAPS) |
MIDIINCAPSA The MIDIINCAPS structure describes the capabilities of a MIDI input device. (MIDIINCAPSA) |
MIDIINCAPSW The MIDIINCAPS structure describes the capabilities of a MIDI input device. (MIDIINCAPSW) |
MIDIOUTCAPS The MIDIOUTCAPS structure describes the capabilities of a MIDI output device. (MIDIOUTCAPS) |
MIDIOUTCAPSA The MIDIOUTCAPS structure describes the capabilities of a MIDI output device. (MIDIOUTCAPSA) |
MIDIOUTCAPSW The MIDIOUTCAPS structure describes the capabilities of a MIDI output device. (MIDIOUTCAPSW) |
MIDIPROPTEMPO The MIDIPROPTEMPO structure contains the tempo property for a stream. |
MIDIPROPTIMEDIV The MIDIPROPTIMEDIV structure contains the time division property for a stream. |
MIDISTRMBUFFVER The MIDISTRMBUFFVER structure contains version information for a long MIDI event of the MEVT_VERSION type. |
MIXERCAPS The MIXERCAPS structure describes the capabilities of a mixer device. (MIXERCAPS) |
MIXERCAPSA The MIXERCAPS structure describes the capabilities of a mixer device. (MIXERCAPSA) |
MIXERCAPSW The MIXERCAPS structure describes the capabilities of a mixer device. (MIXERCAPSW) |
MIXERCONTROL The MIXERCONTROL structure describes the state and metrics of a single control for an audio line. (MIXERCONTROL, *PMIXERCONTROL, FAR *PMIXERCONTROL) |
MIXERCONTROLA The MIXERCONTROL structure describes the state and metrics of a single control for an audio line. (mixercontrola) |
MIXERCONTROLDETAILS The MIXERCONTROLDETAILS structure refers to control-detail structures, retrieving or setting state information of an audio mixer control. (MIXERCONTROLDETAILS) |
MIXERCONTROLDETAILS_BOOLEAN The MIXERCONTROLDETAILS_BOOLEAN structure retrieves and sets Boolean control properties for an audio mixer control. |
MIXERCONTROLDETAILS_LISTTEXT The MIXERCONTROLDETAILS_LISTTEXT structure retrieves list text, label text, and/or band-range information for multiple-item controls. |
MIXERCONTROLDETAILS_LISTTEXTA The MIXERCONTROLDETAILS structure refers to control-detail structures, retrieving or setting state information of an audio mixer control. (mixercontroldetails_listtexta) |
MIXERCONTROLDETAILS_LISTTEXTW The MIXERCONTROLDETAILS structure refers to control-detail structures, retrieving or setting state information of an audio mixer control. (mixercontroldetails_listtextw) |
MIXERCONTROLDETAILS_SIGNED The MIXERCONTROLDETAILS_SIGNED structure retrieves and sets signed type control properties for an audio mixer control. |
MIXERCONTROLDETAILS_UNSIGNED The MIXERCONTROLDETAILS_UNSIGNED structure retrieves and sets unsigned type control properties for an audio mixer control. |
MIXERCONTROLW The MIXERCONTROL structure describes the state and metrics of a single control for an audio line. (mixercontrolw) |
MIXERLINE The MIXERLINE structure describes the state and metrics of an audio line. (MIXERLINE) |
MIXERLINEA The MIXERLINE structure describes the state and metrics of an audio line. (MIXERLINEA) |
MIXERLINECONTROLS The MIXERLINECONTROLS structure contains information about the controls of an audio line. (MIXERLINECONTROLS) |
MIXERLINECONTROLSA The MIXERLINECONTROLS structure contains information about the controls of an audio line. (MIXERLINECONTROLSA) |
MIXERLINECONTROLSW The MIXERLINECONTROLS structure contains information about the controls of an audio line. (MIXERLINECONTROLSW) |
MIXERLINEW The MIXERLINE structure describes the state and metrics of an audio line. (MIXERLINEW) |
PCMWAVEFORMAT The PCMWAVEFORMAT structure describes the data format for PCM waveform-audio data. This structure has been superseded by the WAVEFORMATEX structure. |
WAVEFORMAT The WAVEFORMAT structure describes the format of waveform-audio data. This structure has been superseded by the WAVEFORMATEX structure. |
WAVEFORMATEX The WAVEFORMATEX structure defines the format of waveform-audio data. |
WAVEHDR The WAVEHDR structure defines the header used to identify a waveform-audio buffer. |
WAVEINCAPS The WAVEINCAPS structure describes the capabilities of a waveform-audio input device. (WAVEINCAPS) |
WAVEINCAPSA The WAVEINCAPS structure describes the capabilities of a waveform-audio input device. (WAVEINCAPSA) |
WAVEINCAPSW The WAVEINCAPS structure describes the capabilities of a waveform-audio input device. (WAVEINCAPSW) |
WAVEOUTCAPS The WAVEOUTCAPS structure describes the capabilities of a waveform-audio output device. (WAVEOUTCAPS) |
WAVEOUTCAPSA The WAVEOUTCAPS structure describes the capabilities of a waveform-audio output device. (WAVEOUTCAPSA) |
WAVEOUTCAPSW The WAVEOUTCAPS structure describes the capabilities of a waveform-audio output device. (WAVEOUTCAPSW) |