IAudioSystemEffectsPropertyChangeNotificationClient interface (mmdeviceapi.h)

A callback interface implemented by clients to receive notifications when audio system effect properties change.


The IAudioSystemEffectsPropertyChangeNotificationClient interface inherits from the IUnknown interface.


The IAudioSystemEffectsPropertyChangeNotificationClient interface has these methods.


Called by the system when an audio system effects property changes.


Register the interface to receive callbacks by calling IAudioSystemEffectsPropertyStore::RegisterPropertyChangeNotification. Unregister the callback interface by calling IAudioSystemEffectsPropertyStore::UnregisterPropertyChangeNotification.

For more information on the Windows 11 APIs for the Audio Processing Objects (APOs) that can ship with audio drivers, see Windows 11 APIs for Audio Processing Objects.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Windows Build 22000
Header mmdeviceapi.h