IMFVirtualCamera::AddProperty method (mfvirtualcamera.h)

Adds custom device interface properties to the virtual camera.


HRESULT AddProperty(
  const DEVPROPKEY *pKey,
  DEVPROPTYPE      Type,
  const BYTE       *pbData,
  ULONG            cbData



Pointer to a DEVPROPKEY to add to the virtual camera device interface. For more information, see Unified Device Property Model.


Property type for the specified pKey. The DEVPROP_TYPE_NULL and DEVPROP_TYPE_EMPTY types are not supported.


Pointer to the property data.


Size in bytes contained in the buffer pointed to by data.

Return value

Returns an HRESULT value, including but not limited to the following values:

Error code Description
S_OK Succeeded
E_INVALIDARG An input parameter is invalid.
E_ACCESSDENIED Caller has insufficient permissions to add properties.


Callers must have administrator-level permissions to use this API. UWP and packaged apps do not have permissions to call this method.

Callers should use caution when adding known Windows device properties as this may have unintended effects.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Windows Build 22000
Header mfvirtualcamera.h
Library mfsensorgroup.lib
DLL mfsensorgroup.dll