Contains synchronized lyrics stored as metadata for a media source. This structure is used as the data item for the WM/Lyrics_Synchronised metadata attribute.


typedef struct _ASFFlatSynchronisedLyrics {
  BYTE  bTimeStampFormat;
  BYTE  bContentType;
  DWORD dwLyricsLen;



Specifies the format of time stamps in the lyrics. This member is equivalent to the bTimeStampFormat member in the WM_SYNCHRONISED_LYRICS structure. The WM_SYNCHRONISED_LYRICS structure is documented in the Windows Media Format SDK.


Specifies the type of synchronized strings that are in the lyric data. This member is equivalent to the bContentType member in the WM_SYNCHRONISED_LYRICS structure.


Size, in bytes, of the lyric data.


The WM/Lyrics_Synchronised attribute is defined in the Windows Media Format SDK. The attribute contains lyrics synchronized to times in the source file.

To get this attribute from a media source, call IMFMetadata::GetProperty, passing in the constant g_wszWMLyrics_Synchronised for the pwszName parameter. The method retrieves a PROPVARIANT that contains a binary array (VT_BLOB). The layout of the array is as follows:

  • Null-terminated wide-character string that contains a description.
  • Lyric data. The format of the lyric data is described in the Windows Media Format SDK documentation.
This format differs from the WM_SYNCHRONISED_LYRICS structure used in the Windows Media Format SDK. The WM_SYNCHRONISED_LYRICS structure contains internal pointers to two strings and the lyric data. If the structure is copied, these pointers become invalid. The ASF_FLAT_SYNCHRONISED_LYRICS structure does not contain internal pointers, so it is safe to copy the structure.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Windows Vista [desktop apps only]
Minimum supported server Windows Server 2008 [desktop apps only]
Header mfidl.h

See also


Media Foundation Structures