IMFQualityAdvise2 interface (mfidl.h)

Enables a pipeline object to adjust its own audio or video quality, in response to quality messages.


The IMFQualityAdvise2 interface inherits from IMFQualityAdvise. IMFQualityAdvise2 also has these types of members:


The IMFQualityAdvise2 interface has these methods.


Forwards an MEQualityNotify event from the media sink.


This interface enables a pipeline object to respond to quality messages from the media sink. Currently, it is supported only for video decoders.

If a video decoder exposes IMFQualityAdvise but not IMFQualityAdvise2, the quality manager controls quality adjustments for the decoder. In this case, the quality manager responds to MEQualityNotify events from the Enhanced Video Renderer (EVR) by calling IMFQualityAdvise methods on the decoder.

If the decoder exposes IMFQualityAdvise2, the quality manager forwards the MEQualityNotify events to the decoder and does not adjust the decoder's quality settings. The decoder should respond to these events by adjusting its own quality settings internally.

The preceding remarks apply to the default implementation of the quality manager; custom quality managers can implement other behaviors.

This interface is available on Windows Vista if Platform Update Supplement for Windows Vista is installed.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Windows 7, Windows Vista and Platform Update Supplement for Windows Vista [desktop apps | UWP apps]
Minimum supported server Windows Server 2008 R2 [desktop apps | UWP apps]
Target Platform Windows
Header mfidl.h

See also


Media Foundation Interfaces