mfapi.h header
This header is used by multiple technologies. For more information, see:
mfapi.h contains the following programming interfaces:
DEFINE_MEDIATYPE_GUID Defines a media subtype GUID from a FOURCC code, D3DFORMAT value, or audio format type. |
MFAddPeriodicCallback Sets a callback function to be called at a fixed interval. (MFAddPeriodicCallback) |
MFAllocateSerialWorkQueue Creates a work queue that is guaranteed to serialize work items. |
MFAllocateWorkQueue Creates a new work queue. (MFAllocateWorkQueue) |
MFAllocateWorkQueueEx Creates a new work queue. (MFAllocateWorkQueueEx) |
MFAverageTimePerFrameToFrameRate Calculates the frame rate, in frames per second, from the average duration of a video frame. |
MFBeginCreateFile Begins an asynchronous request to create a byte stream from a file. |
MFBeginRegisterWorkQueueWithMMCSS Associates a work queue with a Multimedia Class Scheduler Service (MMCSS) task. (MFBeginRegisterWorkQueueWithMMCSS) |
MFBeginRegisterWorkQueueWithMMCSSEx Associates a work queue with a Multimedia Class Scheduler Service (MMCSS) task. (MFBeginRegisterWorkQueueWithMMCSSEx) |
MFBeginUnregisterWorkQueueWithMMCSS Unregisters a work queue from a Multimedia Class Scheduler Service (MMCSS) task. (MFBeginUnregisterWorkQueueWithMMCSS) |
MFCalculateBitmapImageSize Retrieves the image size for a video format. |
MFCalculateImageSize Retrieves the image size, in bytes, for an uncompressed video format. (MFCalculateImageSize) |
MFCancelCreateFile Cancels an asynchronous request to create a byte stream from a file. |
MFCancelWorkItem Attempts to cancel an asynchronous operation that was scheduled with MFScheduleWorkItem or MFScheduleWorkItemEx. |
MFCombineSamples Concatenates a media sample onto another sample if their combined duration does not exceed the specified duration. |
MFCompareFullToPartialMediaType Compares a full media type to a partial media type. |
MFConvertColorInfoFromDXVA Sets the extended color information in a MFVIDEOFORMAT structure. |
MFConvertColorInfoToDXVA Converts the extended color information from an MFVIDEOFORMAT to the equivalent DirectX Video Acceleration (DXVA) color information. |
MFConvertFromFP16Array Converts an array of 16-bit floating-point numbers into an array of 32-bit floating-point numbers. |
MFConvertToFP16Array Converts an array of 32-bit floating-point numbers into an array of 16-bit floating-point numbers. |
MFCopyImage Copies an image or image plane from one buffer to another. |
MFCreate2DMediaBuffer Creates a system-memory buffer object to hold 2D image data. |
MFCreateAlignedMemoryBuffer Allocates system memory with a specified byte alignment and creates a media buffer to manage the memory. |
MFCreateAMMediaTypeFromMFMediaType Creates a DirectShow AM_MEDIA_TYPE structure from a Media Foundation media type. |
MFCreateAsyncResult Creates an asynchronous result object. Use this function if you are implementing an asynchronous method. (MFCreateAsyncResult) |
MFCreateAttributes Creates an empty attribute store. |
MFCreateAudioMediaType Creates an audio media type from a WAVEFORMATEX structure. |
MFCreateCollection Creates an empty collection object. |
MFCreateDXGIDeviceManager Creates an instance of the Microsoft DirectX Graphics Infrastructure (DXGI) Device Manager. |
MFCreateDXGISurfaceBuffer Creates a media buffer to manage a Microsoft DirectX Graphics Infrastructure (DXGI) surface. |
MFCreateDXSurfaceBuffer Creates a media buffer object that manages a Direct3D 9 surface. |
MFCreateEventQueue Creates an event queue. |
MFCreateFile Creates a byte stream from a file. |
MFCreateLegacyMediaBufferOnMFMediaBuffer Converts a Media Foundation media buffer into a buffer that is compatible with DirectX Media Objects (DMOs). |
MFCreateMediaBufferFromMediaType Allocates a system-memory buffer that is optimal for a specified media type. |
MFCreateMediaBufferWrapper Creates a media buffer that wraps an existing media buffer. |
MFCreateMediaEvent Creates a media event object. |
MFCreateMediaExtensionActivate Creates an activation object for a Windows Runtime class. |
MFCreateMediaType Creates an empty media type. |
MFCreateMediaTypeFromRepresentation Creates a Media Foundation media type from another format representation. |
MFCreateMemoryBuffer Allocates system memory and creates a media buffer to manage it. |
MFCreateMFByteStreamWrapper Creates a wrapper for a byte stream. |
MFCreateMFVideoFormatFromMFMediaType Creates an MFVIDEOFORMAT structure from a video media type. |
MFCreateMuxStreamAttributes Creates an IMFAttributes describing the content of multiplexed substreams. |
MFCreateMuxStreamMediaType Creates an IMFMediaType describing the media types of multiplexed substreams. |
MFCreateMuxStreamSample Creates an IMFSample containing the samples of multiplexed substreams. |
MFCreateSample Creates an empty media sample. |
MFCreateTempFile Creates a byte stream that is backed by a temporary local file. |
MFCreateVideoMediaType Creates a video media type from an MFVIDEOFORMAT structure. |
MFCreateVideoMediaTypeFromBitMapInfoHeader This function is not implemented. (MFCreateVideoMediaTypeFromBitMapInfoHeader) |
MFCreateVideoMediaTypeFromBitMapInfoHeaderEx Creates a video media type from a BITMAPINFOHEADER structure. |
MFCreateVideoMediaTypeFromSubtype Creates a partial video media type with a specified subtype. |
MFCreateVideoMediaTypeFromVideoInfoHeader Creates a media type from a KS_VIDEOINFOHEADER structure. |
MFCreateVideoMediaTypeFromVideoInfoHeader2 Creates a media type from a KS_VIDEOINFOHEADER2 structure. |
MFCreateVideoSampleAllocatorEx Creates an object that allocates video samples that are compatible with Microsoft DirectX Graphics Infrastructure (DXGI). |
MFCreateWaveFormatExFromMFMediaType Converts a Media Foundation audio media type to a WAVEFORMATEX structure. |
MFCreateWICBitmapBuffer Creates a media buffer object that manages a Windows Imaging Component (WIC). |
MFEndCreateFile Completes an asynchronous request to create a byte stream from a file. |
MFEndRegisterWorkQueueWithMMCSS Completes an asynchronous request to associate a work queue with a Multimedia Class Scheduler Service (MMCSS) task. (MFEndRegisterWorkQueueWithMMCSS) |
MFEndUnregisterWorkQueueWithMMCSS Completes an asynchronous request to unregister a work queue from a Multimedia Class Scheduler Service (MMCSS) task. |
MFFrameRateToAverageTimePerFrame Converts a video frame rate into a frame duration. |
MFGetAttribute2UINT32asUINT64 Gets an attribute whose value is two UINT32 values packed into a UINT64. |
MFGetAttributeDouble Returns a double value from an attribute store, or a default value if the attribute is not present. |
MFGetAttributeRatio Retrieves an attribute whose value is a ratio. |
MFGetAttributesAsBlob Converts the contents of an attribute store to a byte array. |
MFGetAttributesAsBlobSize Retrieves the size of the buffer needed for the MFGetAttributesAsBlob function. |
MFGetAttributeSize Retrieves an attribute whose value is a size, expressed as a width and height. |
MFGetAttributeString Gets a string value from an attribute store. |
MFGetAttributeUINT32 Returns a UINT32 value from an attribute store, or a default value if the attribute is not present. |
MFGetAttributeUINT64 Returns a UINT64 value from an attribute store, or a default value if the attribute is not present. |
MFGetContentProtectionSystemCLSID Gets the class identifier for a content protection system. |
MFGetMFTMerit Gets the merit value of a hardware codec. |
MFGetPlaneSize Retrieves the image size, in bytes, for an uncompressed video format. (MFGetPlaneSize) |
MFGetPluginControl Gets a pointer to the Microsoft Media Foundation plug-in manager. |
MFGetStrideForBitmapInfoHeader Calculates the minimum surface stride for a video format. |
MFGetTimerPeriodicity Retrieves the timer interval for the MFAddPeriodicCallback function. |
MFGetUncompressedVideoFormat Returns the FOURCC or D3DFORMAT value for an uncompressed video format. |
MFGetWorkQueueMMCSSClass Retrieves the Multimedia Class Scheduler Service (MMCSS) class currently associated with this work queue. (MFGetWorkQueueMMCSSClass) |
MFGetWorkQueueMMCSSPriority Gets the relative thread priority of a work queue. (MFGetWorkQueueMMCSSPriority) |
MFGetWorkQueueMMCSSTaskId Retrieves the Multimedia Class Scheduler Service (MMCSS) task identifier currently associated with this work queue. (MFGetWorkQueueMMCSSTaskId) |
MFHeapAlloc Allocates a block of memory. (MFHeapAlloc) |
MFHeapFree Frees a block of memory that was allocated by calling the MFHeapAlloc function. |
MFInitAMMediaTypeFromMFMediaType Initializes a DirectShow AM_MEDIA_TYPE structure from a Media Foundation media type. |
MFInitAttributesFromBlob Initializes the contents of an attribute store from a byte array. |
MFInitMediaTypeFromAMMediaType Initializes a media type from a DirectShow AM_MEDIA_TYPE structure. |
MFInitMediaTypeFromMFVideoFormat Initializes a media type from an MFVIDEOFORMAT structure. |
MFInitMediaTypeFromMPEG1VideoInfo Initializes a media type from a DirectShow MPEG1VIDEOINFO structure. |
MFInitMediaTypeFromMPEG2VideoInfo Initializes a media type from a DirectShow MPEG2VIDEOINFO structure. |
MFInitMediaTypeFromVideoInfoHeader Initializes a media type from a DirectShow VIDEOINFOHEADER structure. |
MFInitMediaTypeFromVideoInfoHeader2 Initializes a media type from a DirectShow VIDEOINFOHEADER2 structure. |
MFInitMediaTypeFromWaveFormatEx Initializes a media type from a WAVEFORMATEX structure. |
MFInitVideoFormat Initializes an MFVIDEOFORMAT structure for a standard video format such as DVD, analog television, or ATSC digital television. |
MFInitVideoFormat_RGB Initializes an MFVIDEOFORMAT structure for an uncompressed RGB video format. |
MFInvokeCallback Invokes a callback method to complete an asynchronous operation. (MFInvokeCallback) |
MFIsFormatYUV Queries whether a FOURCC code or D3DFORMAT value is a YUV format. |
MFllMulDiv Calculates ((a * b) + d) / c, where each term is a 64-bit signed value. |
MFLockDXGIDeviceManager Locks the shared Microsoft DirectX Graphics Infrastructure (DXGI) Device Manager. |
MFLockPlatform Blocks the MFShutdown function. |
MFLockSharedWorkQueue Obtains and locks a shared work queue. (MFLockSharedWorkQueue) |
MFLockWorkQueue Locks a work queue. (MFLockWorkQueue) |
MFMapDX9FormatToDXGIFormat Converts a Microsoft Direct3D 9 format identifier to a Microsoft DirectX Graphics Infrastructure (DXGI) format identifier. |
MFMapDXGIFormatToDX9Format Converts a Microsoft DirectX Graphics Infrastructure (DXGI) format identifier to a Microsoft Direct3D 9 format identifier. |
MFPutWaitingWorkItem Queues a work item that waits for an event to be signaled. (MFPutWaitingWorkItem) |
MFPutWorkItem Puts an asynchronous operation on a work queue. (MFPutWorkItem) |
MFPutWorkItem2 Puts an asynchronous operation on a work queue, with a specified priority. (MFPutWorkItem2) |
MFPutWorkItemEx Puts an asynchronous operation on a work queue. (MFPutWorkItemEx) |
MFPutWorkItemEx2 Puts an asynchronous operation on a work queue, with a specified priority. (MFPutWorkItemEx2) |
MFRegisterLocalByteStreamHandler Registers a byte-stream handler in the caller's process. |
MFRegisterLocalSchemeHandler Registers a scheme handler in the caller's process. |
MFRegisterPlatformWithMMCSS Registers the standard Microsoft Media Foundation platform work queues with the Multimedia Class Scheduler Service (MMCSS). |
MFRemovePeriodicCallback Cancels a callback function that was set by the MFAddPeriodicCallback function. |
MFScheduleWorkItem Schedules an asynchronous operation to be completed after a specified interval. (MFScheduleWorkItem) |
MFScheduleWorkItemEx Schedules an asynchronous operation to be completed after a specified interval. (MFScheduleWorkItemEx) |
MFSetAttribute2UINT32asUINT64 Packs two UINT32 values into a UINT64 attribute value. |
MFSetAttributeRatio Sets a ratio as a 64-bit attribute value. |
MFSetAttributeSize Sets width and height as a single 64-bit attribute value. |
MFShutdown Shuts down the Microsoft Media Foundation platform. |
MFSplitSample Split up a combined media sample back into individual samples. |
MFStartup Initializes Microsoft Media Foundation. |
MFTEnum Enumerates Media Foundation transforms (MFTs) in the registry. |
MFTEnum2 Gets a list of Microsoft Media Foundation transforms (MFTs) that match specified search criteria. |
MFTEnumEx Gets a list of Microsoft Media Foundation transforms (MFTs) that match specified search criteria. This function extends the MFTEnum function. |
MFTGetInfo Gets information from the registry about a Media Foundation transform (MFT). |
MFTRegister Adds information about a Media Foundation transform (MFT) to the registry. |
MFTRegisterLocal Registers a Media Foundation transform (MFT) in the caller's process. (MFTRegisterLocal) |
MFTRegisterLocalByCLSID Registers a Media Foundation transform (MFT) in the caller's process. (MFTRegisterLocalByCLSID) |
MFTUnregister Unregisters a Media Foundation transform (MFT). |
MFTUnregisterLocal Unregisters one or more Media Foundation transforms (MFTs) from the caller's process. |
MFTUnregisterLocalByCLSID Unregisters a Media Foundation transform (MFT) from the caller's process. |
MFUnlockDXGIDeviceManager Unlocks the shared Microsoft DirectX Graphics Infrastructure (DXGI) Device Manager. |
MFUnlockPlatform Unlocks the Media Foundation platform after it was locked by a call to the MFLockPlatform function. |
MFUnlockWorkQueue Unlocks a work queue. (MFUnlockWorkQueue) |
MFUnregisterPlatformFromMMCSS Unregisters the Microsoft Media Foundation platform work queues from a Multimedia Class Scheduler Service (MMCSS) task. |
MFUnwrapMediaType Retrieves a media type that was wrapped in another media type by the MFWrapMediaType function. |
MFValidateMediaTypeSize Validates the size of a buffer for a video format block. |
MFWrapMediaType Creates a media type that wraps another media type. |
Pack2UINT32AsUINT64 Packs two UINT32 values into a UINT64 value. |
PackRatio Packs two UINT32 values, which represent a ratio, into a UINT64 value. |
PackSize Packs a UINT32 width value and a UINT32 height value into a UINT64 value that represents a size. |
Unpack2UINT32AsUINT64 Gets the low-order and high-order UINT32 values from a UINT64 value. |
UnpackRatio Gets the low-order and high-order UINT32 values from a UINT64 value that represents a ratio. |
UnpackSize Gets the low-order and high-order UINT32 values from a UINT64 value that represents a size. |
Callback functions
MFPERIODICCALLBACK Callback function for the MFAddPeriodicCallback function. |
CapturedMetadataExposureCompensation This structure contains blob information for the EV compensation feedback for the photo captured. |
CapturedMetadataISOGains The CapturedMetadataISOGains structure describes the blob format for MF_CAPTURE_METADATA_ISO_GAINS. |
CapturedMetadataWhiteBalanceGains This structure describes the blob format for the MF_CAPTURE_METADATA_WHITEBALANCE_GAINS attribute. |
DigitalWindowSetting Represents the bounds settings of the digital window for video capture. |
FaceCharacterization The FaceCharacterization structure describes the blob format for the MF_CAPTURE_METADATA_FACEROICHARACTERIZATIONS attribute. |
FaceCharacterizationBlobHeader The FaceCharacterizationBlobHeader structure describes the size and count information of the blob format for the MF_CAPTURE_METADATA_FACEROICHARACTERIZATIONS attribute. |
FaceRectInfo The FaceRectInfo structure describes the blob format for the MF_CAPTURE_METADATA_FACEROIS attribute. |
FaceRectInfoBlobHeader The FaceRectInfoBlobHeader structure describes the size and count information of the blob format for the MF_CAPTURE_METADATA_FACEROIS attribute. |
HistogramBlobHeader The HistogramBlobHeader structure describes the blob size and the number of histograms in the blob for the MF_CAPTURE_METADATA_HISTOGRAM attribute. |
HistogramDataHeader The HistogramDataHeader structure describes the blob format for the MF_CAPTURE_METADATA_HISTOGRAM attribute. |
HistogramGrid The HistogramGrid structure describes the blob format for MF_CAPTURE_METADATA_HISTOGRAM. |
HistogramHeader The HistogramHeader structure describes the blob format for MF_CAPTURE_METADATA_HISTOGRAM. |
MACROBLOCK_DATA Provides data about a macroblock during video decoding. |
MetadataTimeStamps The MetadataTimeStamps structure describes the blob format for the MF_CAPTURE_METADATA_FACEROITIMESTAMPS attribute. |
MF_FLOAT2 A vector with two components. |
MF_FLOAT3 A vector with three components. |
MF_QUATERNION A four dimensional vector, used to represent a rotation. |
MFASYNCRESULT Contains data that is needed to implement the IMFAsyncResult interface. |
MFCameraExtrinsic_CalibratedTransform A transform describing the location of a camera relative to other cameras or an established external reference. |
MFCameraExtrinsics Describes the location of a camera relative to other cameras or an established external reference. |
MFCameraIntrinsic_DistortionModel Represents a polynomial lens distortion model. |
MFCameraIntrinsic_PinholeCameraModel Represents a pinhole camera model. |
MFFOLDDOWN_MATRIX Contains coefficients used to transform multichannel audio into a smaller number of audio channels. This process is called fold-down. |
MFPinholeCameraIntrinsic_IntrinsicModel Represents a pinhole camera intrinsic model for a specified resolution. |
MFPinholeCameraIntrinsics Contains zero or 1 pinhole camera intrinsic models that describe how to project a 3D point in physical world onto the 2D image frame of a camera. |
MT_ARBITRARY_HEADER Contains format data for a binary stream in an Advanced Streaming Format (ASF) file. |
MT_CUSTOM_VIDEO_PRIMARIES Defines custom color primaries for a video source. The color primaries define how to convert colors from RGB color space to CIE XYZ color space. |
ROI_AREA Defines a regions of interest. |
_MFT_ENUM_FLAG Contains flags for registering and enumeration Media Foundation transforms (MFTs). |
MF_TOPOSTATUS Specifies the status of a topology during playback. |
MFASYNC_WORKQUEUE_TYPE Specifies the type of work queue for the MFAllocateWorkQueueEx function to create. |
MFDepthMeasurement Specifies the measurement system for a depth value in a video frame. |
MFFrameSourceTypes Describes the type of data provided by a frame source. |
MFSampleEncryptionProtectionScheme Specifies the supported protection schemes for encrypted samples. |
MFVideo3DFormat Specifies how 3D video frames are stored in memory. |
MFVideo3DSampleFormat Specifies how a 3D video frame is stored in a media sample. |
MFVideoDRMFlags Specifies the type of copy protection required for a video stream. |
MFVideoPadFlags Specifies whether to pad a video image so that it fits within a specified aspect ratio. |
MFVideoRotationFormat Describes the rotation of the video image in the counter-clockwise direction. |
MFVideoSrcContentHintFlags Describes the intended aspect ratio for a video stream. |
MFWaveFormatExConvertFlags Contains flags that specify how to convert an audio media type. |