lmjoin.h header
This header is used by Network Management. For more information, see:
lmjoin.h contains the following programming interfaces:
NetAddAlternateComputerName Adds an alternate name for the specified computer. |
NetCreateProvisioningPackage Creates a provisioning package that provisions a computer account for later use in an offline domain join operation. The package may also contain information about certificates and policies to add to the machine during provisioning. |
NetEnumerateComputerNames Enumerates names for the specified computer. |
NetFreeAadJoinInformation Frees the memory allocated for the specified DSREG_JOIN_INFO structure, which contains join information for a tenant and which you retrieved by calling the NetGetAadJoinInformation function. |
NetGetAadJoinInformation Retrieves the join information for the specified tenant. This function examines the join information for Microsoft Azure Active Directory and the work account that the current user added. |
NetGetJoinableOUs The NetGetJoinableOUs function retrieves a list of organizational units (OUs) in which a computer account can be created. |
NetGetJoinInformation The NetGetJoinInformation function retrieves join status information for the specified computer. |
NetJoinDomain The NetJoinDomain function joins a computer to a workgroup or domain. |
NetProvisionComputerAccount Provisions a computer account for later use in an offline domain join operation. |
NetRemoveAlternateComputerName Removes an alternate name for the specified computer. |
NetRenameMachineInDomain The NetRenameMachineInDomain function changes the name of a computer in a domain. |
NetRequestOfflineDomainJoin Executes locally on a machine to modify a Windows operating system image mounted on a volume. (NetRequestOfflineDomainJoin) |
NetRequestProvisioningPackageInstall Executes locally on a machine to modify a Windows operating system image mounted on a volume. (NetRequestProvisioningPackageInstall) |
NetSetPrimaryComputerName Sets the primary computer name for the specified computer. |
NetUnjoinDomain The NetUnjoinDomain function unjoins a computer from a workgroup or a domain. |
NetValidateName The NetValidateName function verifies that a name is valid for name type specified(computer name, workgroup name, domain name, or DNS computer name). |
DSREG_JOIN_INFO Contains information about how a device is joined to Microsoft Azure Active Directory. |
DSREG_USER_INFO Contains information about a user account that is used to join a device to Microsoft Azure Active Directory. |
NETSETUP_PROVISIONING_PARAMS The NETSETUP_PROVISIONING_PARAMS structure contains information that is used when creating a provisioning package using the NetCreateProvisionPackage function. |
DSREG_JOIN_TYPE Specifies the possible ways that a device can be joined to Microsoft Azure Active Directory. |