ktmw32.h header
This header is used by Data Access and Storage. For more information, see:
ktmw32.h contains the following programming interfaces:
CommitComplete Indicates that a resource manager (RM) has finished committing a transaction that was requested by the transaction manager (TM). |
CommitEnlistment Commits the transaction associated with this enlistment handle. This function is used by communication resource managers (sometimes called superior transaction managers). |
CommitTransaction Requests that the specified transaction be committed. (CommitTransaction) |
CommitTransactionAsync Requests that the specified transaction be committed. (CommitTransactionAsync) |
CreateEnlistment Creates an enlistment, sets its initial state, and opens a handle to the enlistment with the specified access. |
CreateResourceManager Creates a new resource manager (RM) object, and associates the RM with a transaction manager (TM). |
CreateTransaction Creates a new transaction object. |
CreateTransactionManager Creates a new transaction manager (TM) object and returns a handle with the specified access. |
GetCurrentClockTransactionManager Obtains a virtual clock value from a transaction manager. |
GetEnlistmentId Obtains the identifier (ID) for the specified enlistment. |
GetEnlistmentRecoveryInformation Retrieves an opaque structure of recovery data from KTM. |
GetNotificationResourceManager Requests and receives a notification for a resource manager (RM). This function is used by the RM register to receive notifications when a transaction changes state. |
GetNotificationResourceManagerAsync Requests and receives asynchronous notification for a resource manager (RM). This function is used by the RM register to receive notifications when a transaction changes state. |
GetTransactionId Obtains the identifier (ID) for the specified transaction. |
GetTransactionInformation Returns the requested information about the specified transaction. |
GetTransactionManagerId Obtains an identifier for the specified transaction manager. |
OpenEnlistment Opens an existing enlistment object, and returns a handle to the enlistment. |
OpenResourceManager Opens an existing resource manager (RM). |
OpenTransaction Opens an existing transaction. |
OpenTransactionManager Opens an existing transaction manager. (OpenTransactionManager) |
OpenTransactionManagerById Opens an existing transaction manager. (OpenTransactionManagerById) |
PrepareComplete Indicates that the resource manager (RM) has completed all processing necessary to guarantee that a commit or abort operation will succeed for the specified transaction. |
PrepareEnlistment Prepares the transaction associated with this enlistment handle. This function is used by communication resource managers (sometimes called superior transaction managers). |
PrePrepareComplete Signals that this resource manager has completed its prepare work, so that other resource managers can now begin their prepare operations. |
PrePrepareEnlistment Pre-prepares the transaction associated with this enlistment handle. This function is used by communication resource managers (sometimes called superior transaction managers). |
ReadOnlyEnlistment Requests that the specified enlistment be converted to a read-only enlistment. A read-only enlistment cannot participate in the outcome of the transaction and is not durably recorded for recovery. |
RecoverEnlistment Recovers an enlistment's state. |
RecoverResourceManager Recovers a resource manager's state from its log file. |
RecoverTransactionManager Recovers a transaction manager's state from its log file. |
RenameTransactionManager Renames a transaction manager (TM) object. This function can only be used on named TM handles. |
RollbackComplete Indicates that the resource manager (RM) has successfully completed rolling back a transaction. |
RollbackEnlistment Rolls back the specified transaction that is associated with an enlistment. This function cannot be called for read-only enlistments. |
RollbackTransaction Requests that the specified transaction be rolled back. |
RollbackTransactionAsync Requests that the specified transaction be rolled back. This function returns asynchronously. |
RollforwardTransactionManager Recovers information only to the specified virtual clock value. |
SetEnlistmentRecoveryInformation Sets an opaque, user-defined structure of recovery data from KTM. |
SetResourceManagerCompletionPort Associates the specified I/O completion port with the specified resource manager (RM). This port receives all notifications for the RM. |
SetTransactionInformation Sets the transaction information for the specified transaction. |
SinglePhaseReject Indicates that the resource manager (RM) is refusing a single-phase request. When a transaction manager (TM) receives this call, it initiates a two-phase commit and sends a prepare request to all enlisted RMs. |