KeyCredentialManagerOperationErrorStates enumeration (keycredmgr.h)
Enumeration of Error states returned by the function KeyCredentialManagerGetOperationErrorStates as flags.
typedef enum KeyCredentialManagerOperationErrorStates {
KeyCredentialManagerOperationErrorStateNone = 0x0,
KeyCredentialManagerOperationErrorStateDeviceJoinFailure = 0x01,
KeyCredentialManagerOperationErrorStateTokenFailure = 0x02,
KeyCredentialManagerOperationErrorStateCertificateFailure = 0x04,
KeyCredentialManagerOperationErrorStateRemoteSessionFailure = 0x08,
KeyCredentialManagerOperationErrorStatePolicyFailure = 0x10,
KeyCredentialManagerOperationErrorStateHardwareFailure = 0x20,
KeyCredentialManagerOperationErrorStatePinExistsFailure = 0x40
} ;
KeyCredentialManagerOperationErrorStateNone Value: 0x0 No Error. Equivalent to ERROR_SUCCESS. |
KeyCredentialManagerOperationErrorStateDeviceJoinFailure Value: 0x01 WHFB enrollment will successfully complete because the device is not properly joined to Azure or the Enterprise. |
KeyCredentialManagerOperationErrorStateTokenFailure Value: 0x02 WHFB enrollment will not successfully complete because the user could not get a token from Azure or the Enterprise. |
KeyCredentialManagerOperationErrorStateCertificateFailure Value: 0x04 WHFB enrollment will not successfully complete because the certificate authority and/or certificate template could not be found. |
KeyCredentialManagerOperationErrorStateRemoteSessionFailure Value: 0x08 WHFB enrollment will not successfully complete because the current session is a remote session. |
KeyCredentialManagerOperationErrorStatePolicyFailure Value: 0x10 WHFB enrollment will not successfully complete because there was an error reading MDM or Group Policy. |
KeyCredentialManagerOperationErrorStateHardwareFailure Value: 0x20 WHFB enrollment will not successful complete because the device does not have the required hardware. |
KeyCredentialManagerOperationErrorStatePinExistsFailure Value: 0x40 WHFB is already enrolled on this device. |
Requirement | Value |
Header | keycredmgr.h |