PopIoRingCompletion function (ioringapi.h)

Pops a single entry from the completion queue, if one is available.


HRESULT PopIoRingCompletion(
  HIORING    ioRing,



An HIORING representing a handle to the I/O ring from which an entry from the completion queue is popped.


Pointer to an IORING_CQE structure that will recieve the data for the completed queue entry.

Return value

Returns an HRESULT including, but not limitted to the following:

Value Description
S_OK The entry was popped from the queue and the IORING_CQE pointed to by cqe contains the values from the entry.
S_FALSE The completion queue is empty, and the data pointed to by the cqe parameter is unmodified.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Windows Build 22000
Minimum supported server Windows Build 22000
Header ioringapi.h