This I/O control code (IOCTL) is sent by a user-mode service or application to set the state of the specified Universal Serial Bus (USB) pipe.

Input buffer

A USBFNPIPEID that specifies the ID of the pipe to configure.

Input buffer length

The size of a USBFNPIPEID.

Output buffer

Contains a boolean value that specifies whether the specified pipe is stalled. A value of TRUE if the specified pipe is stalled; FALSE if otherwise.

Output buffer length

The size of the output buffer in bytes.


The pipe will send STALL transaction packets to the host when stalled. For more information, see the USB specification.

If this I/O control code (IOCTL) is being called synchronously, set the lpOverlapped parameter to NULL. If this IOCTL is called asynchronously, assign the lpOverlapped parameter to a pointer to an OVERLAPPED structure that contains a handle to an event object. The event objects signal when the operation is completed.

The return value is a BOOL value that indicates success or failure of the operation. TRUE indicates success, FALSE otherwise.


Requirement Value
Header genericusbfnioctl.h (include GenericUsbFnIoctl.h)

See also
