IFsrmClassifierModuleImplementation::DoesPropertyValueApply method (fsrmpipeline.h)

Queries the classifier to find out whether the specified property value applies to the file most recently specified by the IFsrmClassifierModuleImplementation::OnBeginFile method.


HRESULT DoesPropertyValueApply(
  [in]  BSTR           property,
  [in]  BSTR           value,
  [out] VARIANT_BOOL   *applyValue,
  [in]  FSRM_OBJECT_ID idRule,
  [in]  FSRM_OBJECT_ID idPropDef


[in] property

Name of the property to query.

[in] value

Value of the property to check in the query.

[out] applyValue

Is VARIANT_TRUE if the property applies; otherwise, VARIANT_FALSE.

[in] idRule

The identifier of the rule object associated with the property value being queried. This rule object is in the rule collection passed in by a previous call to the IFsrmClassifierModuleImplementation::UseRulesAndDefinitions method. The rule object can also be obtained by using this identifier in a call to the IFsrmCollection::GetById method on this collection.

[in] idPropDef

The identifier of the property definition object that corresponds to the property being queried. This property definition object is in the property definition collection passed in by a previous call to the IFsrmClassifierModuleImplementation::UseRulesAndDefinitions method. The property definition object can also be obtained by using this identifier in a call to the IFsrmCollection::GetById method on this collection.

Return value

The method returns the following return values. Implementers should return an HRESULT error code for any other errors.


This method is called if the IFsrmClassifierModuleDefinition::NeedsExplicitValue property of the classifier's module definition is VARIANT_FALSE.

The identifiers passed in the idRule and idPropDef parameters can be used by the classifier implementation to determine whether the property value applies to the file. For classifiers that require the associated rule and/or property definition to make the determination, it is suggested that implementers cache the corresponding collections passed to them during IFsrmClassifierModuleImplementation::UseRulesAndDefinitions.

If FSRM_E_INCOMPATIBLE_FORMAT or FSRM_E_FILE_ENCRYPTED is returned, FSRM will not indicate that the file has failed classification. If any other error value is returned, FSRM will indicate that the file has failed classification.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client None supported
Minimum supported server Windows Server 2008 R2
Target Platform Windows
Header fsrmpipeline.h
DLL SrmSvc.dll

See also
