FsrmGetFilePropertyOptions enumeration (fsrmenums.h)

Flags that defines how classification properties associated with a file are retrieved.


typedef enum _FsrmGetFilePropertyOptions {
  FsrmGetFilePropertyOptions_None = 0,
  FsrmGetFilePropertyOptions_NoRuleEvaluation = 0x1,
  FsrmGetFilePropertyOptions_Persistent = 0x2,
  FsrmGetFilePropertyOptions_FailOnPersistErrors = 0x4,
  FsrmGetFilePropertyOptions_SkipOrphaned = 0x8
} FsrmGetFilePropertyOptions;


Value: 0
Retrieve the most up-to-date classification properties. Using this value may require more time than the
FsrmGetFilePropertyOptions_NoRuleEvaluation value.
Value: 0x1
Retrieve classification properties from cache or storage without using any rule evaluation.
Value: 0x2
After retrieving the classification properties (and possibly reclassifying the file in the process), store
the classification properties with the file.

Windows Server 2008 R2:  This enumeration value is not supported before Windows Server 2012.
Value: 0x4
If the FsrmGetFilePropertyOptions_Persistent flag is set but the properties were
unable to be stored with the file, return a failure for the operation. If this flag is clear the operation will
not fail even though the properties were not persisted with the file.

Windows Server 2008 R2:  This enumeration value is not supported before Windows Server 2012.
Value: 0x8
If the FsrmGetFilePropertyOptions_Persistent flag is set, skip any properties
stored with the file that are not also defined for the machine.

Windows Server 2008 R2:  This enumeration value is not supported before Windows Server 2012.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client None supported
Minimum supported server Windows Server 2008 R2
Header fsrmenums.h (include FsrmPipeline.h, FsrmQuota.h, FsrmReports.h, FsrmScreen.h, Fsrmenums.h)

See also

FSRM Enumerations

