IFsrmAction::Delete method (fsrm.h)

[This method is supported for compatibility but it's recommended to use the FSRM WMI Classes to manage FSRM. Please see the MSFT_FSRMAction, MSFT_FSRMFMJAction, and MSFT_FSRMFMJNotificationAction classes.]

Removes the action from the quota or file screen's list of actions.


HRESULT Delete();

Return value

The method returns the following return values.


Calling the IFsrmQuotaBase::DeleteThreshold method also deletes the actions associated with the threshold.

Note that the actions are not deleted from the object until you call the object's Commit method. For example, the actions are not deleted from the quota until the IFsrmQuota::Commit method is called, nor from the file screens until you call the IFsrmFileScreen::Commit method.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client None supported
Minimum supported server Windows Server 2008
Target Platform Windows
Header fsrm.h (include FsrmQuota.h, FsrmScreen.h)
DLL SrmSvc.dll

See also
