faxext.h header

This header is used by Fax Service. For more information, see:

faxext.h contains the following programming interfaces:



A FaxExtConfigChange callback function is a placeholder for a function name defined by the fax extension DLL. The fax extension DLL should not expose this function.

The FaxExtFreeBuffer callback function deallocates memory previously allocated by a successful call to the FaxExtGetData function.

The FaxExtGetData callback function retrieves configuration data for a specific device and GUID.

The fax service calls the FaxExtInitializeConfig function to initialize the fax extension DLL. The service calls this function before it calls any other fax extension initialization function.

The FaxExtRegisterForEvents callback function registers the fax extension DLL for notifications about configuration data changes related to a specific device and GUID.

The FaxExtSetData function sets configuration data for a specific device and GUID.

The FaxExtUnregisterForEvents callback function unregisters the fax extension DLL for notifications about configuration data changes related to a specific device and GUID.