dxgi1_6.h header
This header is used by DXGI. For more information, see:
dxgi1_6.h contains the following programming interfaces:
IDXGIAdapter4 This interface represents a display subsystem, and extends this family of interfaces to expose a method to check for an adapter's compatibility with Arbitrary Code Guard (ACG). |
IDXGIFactory6 This interface enables a single method that enumerates graphics adapters based on a given GPU preference. |
IDXGIFactory7 This interface enables registration for notifications to detect adapter enumeration state changes. |
IDXGIOutput6 Represents an adapter output (such as a monitor). The IDXGIOutput6 interface exposes methods to provide specific monitor capabilities. |
DXGIDeclareAdapterRemovalSupport Allows a process to indicate that it's resilient to any of its graphics devices being removed. |
DXGIDisableVBlankVirtualization Disables v-blank virtualization for the process. This virtualization is used by the dynamic refresh rate (DRR) feature by default for all swap chains to maintain a steady virtualized present rate and v-blank cadence from IDXGIOutput::WaitForVBlank. By disabling virtualization, these APIs will see the changing refresh rate. |
DXGI_ADAPTER_DESC3 Describes an adapter (or video card) that uses Microsoft DirectX Graphics Infrastructure (DXGI) 1.6. |
DXGI_OUTPUT_DESC1 Describes an output or physical connection between the adapter (video card) and a device, including additional information about color capabilities and connection type. |
DXGI_ADAPTER_FLAG3 Identifies the type of DXGI adapter. (DXGI_ADAPTER_FLAG3) |
DXGI_GPU_PREFERENCE The preference of GPU for the app to run on. |
DXGI_HARDWARE_COMPOSITION_SUPPORT_FLAGS Describes which levels of hardware composition are supported. |