dxgi.h header
This header is used by DXGI. For more information, see:
dxgi.h contains the following programming interfaces:
IDXGIAdapter The IDXGIAdapter interface represents a display subsystem (including one or more GPUs, DACs and video memory). |
IDXGIAdapter1 The IDXGIAdapter1 interface represents a display sub-system (including one or more GPU's, DACs and video memory). |
IDXGIDevice An IDXGIDevice interface implements a derived class for DXGI objects that produce image data. |
IDXGIDevice1 An IDXGIDevice1 interface implements a derived class for DXGI objects that produce image data. |
IDXGIDeviceSubObject Inherited from objects that are tied to the device so that they can retrieve a pointer to it. |
IDXGIFactory An IDXGIFactory interface implements methods for generating DXGI objects (which handle full screen transitions). |
IDXGIFactory1 The IDXGIFactory1 interface implements methods for generating DXGI objects. |
IDXGIKeyedMutex Represents a keyed mutex, which allows exclusive access to a shared resource that is used by multiple devices. |
IDXGIObject An IDXGIObject interface is a base interface for all DXGI objects; IDXGIObject supports associating caller-defined (private data) with an object and retrieval of an interface to the parent object. |
IDXGIOutput An IDXGIOutput interface represents an adapter output (such as a monitor). |
IDXGIResource An IDXGIResource interface allows resource sharing and identifies the memory that a resource resides in. |
IDXGISurface The IDXGISurface interface implements methods for image-data objects. |
IDXGISurface1 The IDXGISurface1 interface extends the IDXGISurface by adding support for using Windows Graphics Device Interface (GDI) to render to a Microsoft DirectX Graphics Infrastructure (DXGI) surface. |
IDXGISwapChain An IDXGISwapChain interface implements one or more surfaces for storing rendered data before presenting it to an output. |
CreateDXGIFactory Creates a DXGI 1.0 factory that you can use to generate other DXGI objects. |
CreateDXGIFactory1 Creates a DXGI 1.1 factory that you can use to generate other DXGI objects. |
DXGI_ADAPTER_DESC Describes an adapter (or video card) by using DXGI 1.0. |
DXGI_ADAPTER_DESC1 Describes an adapter (or video card) using DXGI 1.1. |
DXGI_DISPLAY_COLOR_SPACE Don't use this structure; it is not supported and it will be removed from the header in a future release. |
DXGI_FRAME_STATISTICS Describes timing and presentation statistics for a frame. |
DXGI_MAPPED_RECT Describes a mapped rectangle that is used to access a surface. |
DXGI_OUTPUT_DESC Describes an output or physical connection between the adapter (video card) and a device. |
DXGI_SHARED_RESOURCE Represents a handle to a shared resource. |
DXGI_SURFACE_DESC Describes a surface. |
DXGI_ADAPTER_FLAG Identifies the type of DXGI adapter. (DXGI_ADAPTER_FLAG) |
DXGI_RESIDENCY Flags indicating the memory location of a resource. |
DXGI_SWAP_CHAIN_FLAG Options for swap-chain behavior. |
DXGI_SWAP_EFFECT Options for handling pixels in a display surface after calling IDXGISwapChain1::Present1. |