IDiskQuotaUser::SetQuotaThreshold method (dskquota.h)

Sets the user's warning threshold value on the volume. The threshold is an arbitrary value set by the volume's quota administrator. You can use it to identify users who are approaching their hard quota limit.


HRESULT SetQuotaThreshold(
  [in] LONGLONG llThreshold,
  [in] BOOL     fWriteThrough


[in] llThreshold

The warning threshold value, in bytes.

[in] fWriteThrough

If this value is TRUE, the value is written immediately to the volume's quota file. Otherwise, the value is written only to the quota user object's local memory. This value should typically be set to TRUE. Set it to FALSE when using the IDiskQuotaUserBatch interface to modify multiple user quota entries at the same time.

Return value

This method returns a file system error or one of the following values.

Return code Description
The caller has insufficient access rights.
Failure to obtain an exclusive lock.
An unexpected file system error occurred.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Windows XP [desktop apps only]
Minimum supported server Windows Server 2003 [desktop apps only]
Target Platform Windows
Header dskquota.h
DLL Dskquota.dll

See also

Disk Management Interfaces

Disk Quotas
