IDsAdminNewObjExt::GetSummaryInfo method (dsadmin.h)

The IDsAdminNewObjExt::GetSummaryInfo method obtains a string that contains a summary of the data gathered by the new object wizard extension page. This string is displayed in the wizard Finish page.


HRESULT GetSummaryInfo(
  [out] BSTR *pBstrText


[out] pBstrText

A pointer to a BSTR value that receives the summary text. To allocate this value, call SysAllocString. The caller must free this memory by calling SysFreeString.

Return value

If the method is successful, S_OK is returned. If the method fails, an OLE-defined error code is returned. If the extension does not provide a summary string, this method should return E_NOTIMPL.


Support of this method is optional. If the extension does not supply summary information, it should return E_NOTIMPL from this method.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Windows Vista
Minimum supported server Windows Server 2008
Target Platform Windows
Header dsadmin.h
DLL DSAdmin.dll

See also


