XMMatrixSet function (directxmath.h)

Creates a matrix with float values.


  [in] float m00,
  [in] float m01,
  [in] float m02,
  [in] float m03,
  [in] float m10,
  [in] float m11,
  [in] float m12,
  [in] float m13,
  [in] float m20,
  [in] float m21,
  [in] float m22,
  [in] float m23,
  [in] float m30,
  [in] float m31,
  [in] float m32,
  [in] float m33
) noexcept;


[in] m00

Value to assign to the (0,0) element.

[in] m01

Value to assign to the (0,1) element.

[in] m02

Value to assign to the (0,2) element.

[in] m03

Value to assign to the (0,3) element.

[in] m10

Value to assign to the (1,0) element.

[in] m11

Value to assign to the (1,1) element.

[in] m12

Value to assign to the (1,2) element.

[in] m13

Value to assign to the (1,3) element.

[in] m20

Value to assign to the (2,0) element.

[in] m21

Value to assign to the (2,1) element.

[in] m22

Value to assign to the (2,2) element.

[in] m23

Value to assign to the (2,3) element.

[in] m30

Value to assign to the (3,0) element.

[in] m31

Value to assign to the (3,1) element.

[in] m32

Value to assign to the (3,2) element.

[in] m33

Value to assign to the (3,3) element.

Return value

Returns the XMMATRIX with the specified elements.


Platform Requirements

Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 or Microsoft Visual Studio 2012 with the Windows SDK for Windows 8. Supported for Win32 desktop apps, Windows Store apps, and Windows Phone 8 apps.


Requirement Value
Target Platform Windows
Header directxmath.h

See also

DirectXMath Library Matrix Functions