IDirectInputJoyConfig8::DeleteType method (dinputd.h)

The IDirectInputJoyConfig8::DeleteType method removes information about a joystick type. Use this method with caution; it is the caller's responsibility to ensure that no joystick refers to the deleted type.


HRESULT DeleteType(
  LPCWSTR unnamedParam1



Points to the name of the type. The name of the type cannot exceed MAX_PATH characters, including the terminating null character. Also, the name cannot begin with a "#" character. Types beginning with "#" are reserved by DirectInput.

Return value

Returns DI_OK if successful; otherwise, returns one of the following COM error values (these values are intended to be illustrative and are not necessarily comprehensive):

Return code Description
Joystick configuration has not been acquired. You must call IDirectInputJoyConfig8::Acquire before you can alter joystick configuration settings.
One or more parameters was invalid.


Requirement Value
Target Platform Desktop
Header dinputd.h (include Dinputd.h)