dhcpcsdk.h header
This header is used by Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP). For more information, see:
dhcpcsdk.h contains the following programming interfaces:
DhcpCApiCleanup The DhcpCApiCleanup function enables DHCP to properly clean up resources allocated throughout the use of DHCP function calls. The DhcpCApiCleanup function must only be called if a previous call to DhcpCApiInitialize executed successfully. |
DhcpCApiInitialize The DhcpCApiInitialize function must be the first function call made by users of DHCP; it prepares the system for all other DHCP function calls. Other DHCP functions should only be called if the DhcpCApiInitialize function executes successfully. |
DhcpDeRegisterParamChange The DhcpDeRegisterParamChange function releases resources associated with previously registered event notifications, and closes the associated event handle. |
DhcpRegisterParamChange The DhcpRegisterParamChange function enables clients to register for notification of changes in DHCP configuration parameters. |
DhcpRemoveDNSRegistrations The DhcpRemoveDNSRegistrations function removes all DHCP-initiated DNS registrations for the client. |
DhcpRequestParams The DhcpRequestParams function enables callers to synchronously, or synchronously and persistently obtain DHCP data from a DHCP server. |
DhcpUndoRequestParams The DhcpUndoRequestParams function removes persistent requests previously made with a DhcpRequestParams function call. |
DHCPAPI_PARAMS The DHCPAPI_PARAMS structure is used to request DHCP parameters. |
DHCPCAPI_CLASSID The DHCPCAPI_CLASSID structure defines a client Class ID. |
DHCPCAPI_PARAMS_ARRAY The DHCPCAPI_PARAMS_ARRAY structure stores an array of DHCPAPI_PARAMS structures used to query DHCP parameters. |