ID3D12VideoEncodeCommandList::SetProtectedResourceSession method (d3d12video.h)

Specifies whether or not protected resources can be accessed by subsequent commands in the command list. By default, no protected resources are enabled. After calling SetProtectedResourceSession with a valid session, protected resources of the same type can refer to that session. After calling SetProtectedResourceSession with NULL, no protected resources can be accessed.


void SetProtectedResourceSession(
  ID3D12ProtectedResourceSession *pProtectedResourceSession



An optional pointer to an ID3D12ProtectedResourceSession. You can obtain an ID3D12ProtectedResourceSession by calling ID3D12Device4::CreateProtectedResourceSession.

Return value



Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Windows 10, version 2004 (10.0; Build 19041)
Minimum supported server Windows Server, version 2004 (10.0; Build 19041)
Header d3d12video.h
DLL d3d12.dll