ICreateWithTipTransactionEx::CreateInstance method (comsvcs.h)

[The TIP service feature are deprecated and might not be available in future versions of the operating system. Consider using the WS-AtomicTransaction (WS-AT) protocol as a replacement transaction coordination and propagation technology. For more information about WS-AT support in the .Net Framework, see Transactions.]

Creates a COM+ object that executes within the scope of the manual transaction specified by a TIP transaction URL.


HRESULT CreateInstance(
  [in]  BSTR     bstrTipUrl,
  [in]  REFCLSID rclsid,
  [in]  REFIID   riid,
  [out] void     **pObject


[in] bstrTipUrl

The Transaction Internet Protocol (TIP) URL of the existing transaction in which you want to create the COM+ object.

[in] rclsid

The CLSID of the type of object to be instantiated.

[in] riid

The ID of the interface to be returned by the ppvObj parameter.

[out] pObject

A reference to a new object of the type specified by the rclsid argument, through the interface specified by the riid argument.

Return value

This method can return the following values:


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Windows 2000 Professional [desktop apps only]
Minimum supported server Windows 2000 Server [desktop apps only]
Target Platform Windows
Header comsvcs.h

See also
