coml2api.h header
This header is used by Structured Storage. For more information, see:
coml2api.h contains the following programming interfaces:
CreateILockBytesOnHGlobal Creates a byte array object that uses an HGLOBAL memory handle to store the bytes intended for in-memory storage of a compound file. |
FmtIdToPropStgName Converts a property set format identifier (FMTID) to its storage or stream name. |
GetConvertStg The GetConvertStg function returns the current value of the convert bit for the specified storage object. |
GetHGlobalFromILockBytes The GetHGlobalFromILockBytes function retrieves a global memory handle to a byte array object created using the CreateILockBytesOnHGlobal function. |
PropStgNameToFmtId Converts a property set storage or stream name to its format identifier. |
ReadClassStg The ReadClassStg function reads the CLSID previously written to a storage object with the WriteClassStg function. |
ReadClassStm Reads the CLSID previously written to a stream object with the WriteClassStm function. |
StgCreateDocfile Creates a new compound file storage object using the COM-provided compound file implementation for the IStorage interface. |
StgCreateDocfileOnILockBytes Creates and opens a new compound file storage object on top of a byte-array object provided by the caller. |
StgCreatePropSetStg Creates a property set storage object from a specified storage object. |
StgCreatePropStg Creates and opens a property set in a specified storage or stream object. |
StgCreateStorageEx Creates a new storage object using a provided implementation for the IStorage or IPropertySetStorage interfaces. |
StgIsStorageFile The StgIsStorageFile function indicates whether a particular disk file contains a storage object. |
StgIsStorageILockBytes The StgIsStorageILockBytes function indicates whether the specified byte array contains a storage object. |
StgOpenPropStg Opens a specified property set in a specified storage or stream object. |
StgOpenStorage Opens an existing root storage object in the file system. |
StgOpenStorageEx Opens an existing root storage object in the file system. Use this function to open Compound Files and regular files. |
StgOpenStorageOnILockBytes The StgOpenStorageOnILockBytes function opens an existing storage object that does not reside in a disk file, but instead has an underlying byte array provided by the caller. |
StgSetTimes The StgSetTimes function sets the creation, access, and modification times of the indicated file, if supported by the underlying file system. |
WriteClassStg The WriteClassStg function stores the specified class identifier (CLSID) in a storage object. |
WriteClassStm The WriteClassStm function stores the specified CLSID in the stream. |
STGOPTIONS Specifies features of the storage object, such as sector size, in the StgCreateStorageEx and StgOpenStorageEx functions. |