GetClusterResourceTypeKey function (clusapi.h)

Opens the root of the cluster database subtree for a resource type.


HKEY GetClusterResourceTypeKey(
  [in] HCLUSTER hCluster,
  [in] LPCWSTR  lpszTypeName,
  [in] REGSAM   samDesired


[in] hCluster

Handle to a cluster.

[in] lpszTypeName

Pointer to a NULL-terminated Unicode string specifying the name of a resource type (the registered type name, not the display name).

[in] samDesired

Access mask that describes the security access needed for the opened key.

Return value

If the operation succeeds, the function returns a registry key handle for the resource type.

If the operation fails, the function returns NULL. For more information about the error, call GetLastError.


The GetClusterResourceTypeKey function returns a handle to a cluster database key representing the subtree root for the resource type pointed to by lpszTypeName in the cluster identified by hCluster. Callers should call ClusterRegCloseKey to close the key handle retrieved by GetClusterResourceTypeKey when they are done with it.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client None supported
Minimum supported server Windows Server 2008 Enterprise, Windows Server 2008 Datacenter
Target Platform Windows
Header clusapi.h
Library ClusAPI.lib
DLL ClusAPI.dll

See also

