BackupClusterDatabase function (clusapi.h)

[This function is available for use in the operating systems specified in the Requirements section. Support for this function was removed in Windows Server 2008 and this function does nothing and returns ERROR_CALL_NOT_IMPLEMENTED.]

Creates a backup of the cluster database and all registry checkpoints.


DWORD BackupClusterDatabase(
  [in] HCLUSTER hCluster,
  [in] LPCWSTR  lpszPathName


[in] hCluster

Handle to the cluster to be backed up.

[in] lpszPathName

Null-terminated Unicode string specifying the path to where the backup should be created. Cluster configuration information will be saved to this location; this is sensitive data that should be protected. For example, this data can be protected by using an access control list to restrict access to the location where the data is stored.

Return value

If the function succeeds, it returns ERROR_SUCCESS.

If the function fails, it returns one of the system error codes.


Ideally, the specified path should be a path visible to all cluster nodes, such as a UNC path. At minimum, the path must be visible to the node that currently owns the quorum resource. Do not include a filename in the path or the function will fail, returning ERROR_DIRECTORY. The path can include a trailing backslash.

One way to ensure that an appropriate path exists is to create a temporary network share, as follows:

  • Call the function NetShareAdd to create a temporary network share. All cluster nodes must have write access to this share.
  • Call BackupClusterDatabase, specifying the temporary share in the lpszPathName parameter.
  • Copy the backup files (see below) to one or more safe storage locations.
  • Call the function NetShareDel to delete the share.
The backup contains the following files.
Path\File Description
lpszPathName\chk????.tmp Snapshot files.
lpszPathName\quolog.log The quorum log file.
lpszPathName\<GUID of resource>\*.CPT The registry checkpoint files for the resource identified by GUID.
lpszPathName\<GUID of resource>\*.CPR The crypto checkpoint files for the resource identified by GUID.
lpszPathName\Clusbackup.dat Backup completion marker file (read-only, hidden, 0-byte file)

Subsequent BackupClusterDatabase operations that use the same lpszPath parameter will overwrite the existing backup files.

If possible, make multiple copies of the backup directory on different media and store these copies in separate locations.


The following example illustrates a static backup routine. For a more complete example incorporating RestoreClusterDatabase, see Backing Up and Restoring the Cluster Configuration. This example uses the ClusDocEx.h header file defined in the Failover Cluster documentation.

int main( void )
  HCLUSTER hCluster     = NULL;
  WCHAR szClusterName[] = L"CLUSTER_NAME";
  WCHAR szPath[]        = L"\\\\ClusBack\\19991215";
  DWORD dwResult        = ERROR_SUCCESS;
  if( ( hCluster = OpenCluster( szClusterName ) ) != NULL )
    dwResult = BackupClusterDatabase( hCluster, szPath );
    CloseCluster( hCluster );
    dwResult = GetLastError();

  if( dwResult == ERROR_SUCCESS )
    wprintf( L"\nDone. The cluster database has been backed up to %s. ", szPath );
    wprintf( L"The backup consists of the following files:\n    chk????.tmp\n"
             L"    quolog.log\n    *.cpt\n    *.cpr\n\n" );
    return 0;
    wprintf( L"The operation failed (%d)\n", dwResult );
    return 1;


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client None supported
Minimum supported server Windows Server 2003 Enterprise, Windows Server 2003 Datacenter
Target Platform Windows
Header clusapi.h
Library ClusAPI.lib
DLL ClusAPI.dll

See also

Backup and Restore Functions
