clfsmgmtw32.h header

This header is used by Data Access and Storage. For more information, see:

clfsmgmtw32.h contains the following programming interfaces:



Deregisters a client with the log manager.

Called by a managed log client when an attempt to reserve or append to a log fails with a log full error message. The log manager attempts to resolve the log full condition for the client, and notifies the client when the outcome is known.

Installs (sets) a policy for a log.

The LogTailAdvanceFailure function is called by a log client to indicate that it cannot comply with a request from log management to advance its tail.

The QueryLogPolicy function allows you to obtain a policy that is installed for the specified log.

Retrieves notifications from the log manager. It retrieves a queued notification from the log manager immediately if a notification is available; otherwise the request remains pending until a notification is generated.

The RegisterForLogWriteNotification function is called by a managed log client to enable or disable log write notifications.

Registers a client with the log manager. A client can specify whether to receive notifications by using callbacks, or have the notifications queued for retrieval by using ReadLogNotification.

Resets the specified policy to its default behavior.

Adds or deletes containers from a log based on the state of the installed policies.

Callback functions


The LOG_FULL_HANDLER_CALLBACK function is an application-defined callback function that receives notification that the call to HandleLogFull is complete.

The LOG_TAIL_ADVANCE_CALLBACK function is an application-defined callback function that advances the log tail. The callback is invoked in the context of an asynchronous procedure call (APC) on the thread that registers for log management.

The LOG_UNPINNED_CALLBACK function is an application-defined callback function that receives notification that the log has become unpinned.



The LOG_MANAGEMENT_CALLBACKS structure is used to register with the Common Log File System (CLFS) for the callbacks that a client program requires information from.