CHString class (chstring.h)
[The CHString class is part of the WMI Provider Framework which is now considered in final state, and no further development, enhancements, or updates will be available for non-security related issues affecting these libraries. The MI APIs should be used for all new development.]
The CHString class has these methods.
CHString::AllocSysString The AllocSysString method allocates a new BSTR string that is Automation compatible. It then copies the contents of the CHStringstring into it, including the terminating NULL character. |
CHString::CHString The CHString::CHString function initializes a new CHString object with the specified data. |
CHString::CHString Initializes a new CHString object with the specified data. (overload 2/6) |
CHString::CHString Initializes a new CHString object with the specified data. (overload 4/6) |
CHString::CHString Initializes a new CHString object with the specified data. (overload 5/6) |
CHString::CHString Initializes a new CHString object with the specified data. (overload 1/6) |
CHString::CHString Initializes a new CHString object with the specified data. (overload 6/6) |
CHString::CHString Initializes a new CHString object with the specified data. (overload 3/6) |
CHString::Collate The Collate method uses the wcscoll function to compare a CHString string with another string. |
CHString::Compare The Compare method uses the wcscmp function to compare this CHString string with another string. |
CHString::CompareNoCase The CompareNoCase method uses the _wcsicmp function to compare a CHString string with another string. |
CHString::Empty The Empty method makes the CHString object an empty string and frees memory as appropriate. |
CHString::Find The Find method searches a string for the first match of a substring. |
CHString::Find The CHString::Find method searches a string for the first match of a substring. |
CHString::FindOneOf The FindOneOf method searches a string for the first character that matches any character contained in lpszCharSet. |
CHString::Format The CHString::Format method formats and stores a series of characters and values in a CHString. |
CHString::Format The CHString::Format method formats and stores a series of characters and values in a CHString string. |
CHString::FormatMessageW The CHString::FormatMessageW (Unicode) method formats a message string. |
CHString::FormatMessageW The CHString::FormatMessageW (Unicode) method formats a message string. |
CHString::FormatV The FormatV method writes a formatted string and a variable list of arguments to a CHString string. |
CHString::FreeExtra The FreeExtra method frees any extra memory that was previously allocated by the string but is no longer needed. |
CHString::GetAllocLength The GetAllocLength method returns the size of the allocated string buffer. |
CHString::GetAt The CHString::GetAt(int) (chstring.h) method returns a single character specified by an index number. |
CHString::GetAt The CHString::GetAt (chstring.h) method returns a single character specified by an index number. |
CHString::GetBuffer The GetBuffer method returns a pointer to the internal character buffer for the CHString object. |
CHString::GetBufferSetLength The GetBufferSetLength method returns a pointer to the internal character buffer for the CHString object, truncating or increasing its length if necessary to exactly match the length specified in nNewLength. |
CHString::GetData The GetData method to get the data from the CHString object. |
CHString::GetLength The GetLength method gets a count of the number of wide characters in this CHString string. The count does not include a NULL terminator. |
CHString::IsEmpty The IsEmpty method tests a CHString string for the empty condition. |
CHString::Left Extracts the first nCount characters from a CHString string and returns a copy of the extracted substring. |
CHString::LoadStringW The LoadStringW method reads a Windows string resource (identified by nID) into an existing CHString object. (overload 1/2) |
CHString::LoadStringW The LoadStringW method reads a Windows string resource (identified by nID) into an existing CHString object. (overload 2/2) |
CHString::LockBuffer The LockBuffer method locks a string in the buffer. |
CHString::MakeLower The MakeLower method converts a CHString string to a lowercase string. |
CHString::MakeReverse The MakeReverse method reverses the order of the characters in a CHString string. |
CHString::MakeUpper The MakeUpper method converts a CHString string to an uppercase string. |
CHString::Mid The Mid method extracts a substring of length nCount characters from a CHString string, starting at position nFirst (zero-based). The method returns a copy of the extracted substring. |
CHString::Mid The CHString::Mid method extracts a substring of length nCount characters from a CHString string, starting at position nFirst (zero-based). |
CHString::operator LPCWSTR The operator LPCWSTR conversion operator provides an efficient method to access the NULL-terminated C string contained in a CHString object. |
CHString::ReleaseBuffer Ends the use of a buffer allocated by GetBuffer. |
CHString::ReverseFind The ReverseFind method searches a CHString string for the last match of a substring. This method is similar to the runtime function, wcsrchr. |
CHString::Right Extracts the last nCount characters from a CHString string and returns a copy of the extracted substring. |
CHString::SetAt Overwrites one character specified by an index number. |
CHString::SpanExcluding The SpanExcluding method extracts and returns all characters preceding the first occurrence of a character from lpszCharSet. |
CHString::SpanIncluding The SpanIncluding method extracts characters of a string that are identified by lpszCharSet. |
CHString::TrimLeft The TrimLeft method trims leading whitespace characters from the string by removing new line, space, and tab characters. |
CHString::TrimRight The TrimRight method trims trailing whitespace characters from the string by removing trailing newline, space, and tab characters. |
CHString::UnlockBuffer The UnlockBuffer method unlocks the buffer that was previously secured by calling LockBuffer and resets the reference count to 1. |
The destructor for the class is CHString::~CHString.
Requirement | Value |
Minimum supported client | Windows Vista |
Minimum supported server | Windows Server 2008 |
Target Platform | Windows |
Header | chstring.h (include FwCommon.h) |