CfGetPlaceholderRangeInfoForHydration function (cfapi.h)

Gets range information about a placeholder file or folder. This range information is identical to what CfGetPlaceholderRangeInfo returns. However, it doesn’t take a fileHandle as a parameter. Instead, it uses ConnectionKey, TransferKey, and FileId to identify the file and the stream for which range information is being requested.

The platform provides ConnectionKey, TransferKey, and FileId to all callback functions registered via CfConnectSyncRoot and the provider could use these parameters to obtain range information about a placeholder from the CF_CALLBACK_TYPE_FETCH_DATA callback without requiring it to open a handle to the file.

If the file is not a cloud files placeholder, the API will fail. On success, range information is returned according to the specific InfoClass requested.


This API is available only if the PlatformVersion.IntegrationNumber obtained from CfGetPlatformInfo is 0x600 or higher.


HRESULT CfGetPlaceholderRangeInfoForHydration(
  [in]            CF_CONNECTION_KEY               ConnectionKey,
  [in]            CF_TRANSFER_KEY                 TransferKey,
  [in]            LARGE_INTEGER                   FileId,
  [in]            CF_PLACEHOLDER_RANGE_INFO_CLASS InfoClass,
  [in]            LARGE_INTEGER                   StartingOffset,
  [in]            LARGE_INTEGER                   RangeLength,
  [out]           PVOID                           InfoBuffer,
  [in]            DWORD                           InfoBufferSize,
  [out, optional] PDWORD                          InfoBufferWritten


[in] ConnectionKey

An opaque handle created by CfConnectSyncRoot for a sync root managed by the sync provider. It is returned also in CF_CALLBACK_INFO in the CF_CALLBACK_TYPE_FETCH_DATA callback and other callbacks.

[in] TransferKey

The opaque handle to the placeholder file for which CF_CALLBACK_TYPE_FETCH_DATA callback has been invoked. It is also returned in CF_CALLBACK_INFO in the CF_CALLBACK_TYPE_FETCH_DATA callback. This can alternatively be obtained by CfGetTransferKey if the API is not being invoked from CF_CALLBACK_TYPE_FETCH_DATA Callback.

[in] FileId

A 64bit file system-maintained volume-wide unique ID of the placeholder file/directory to be serviced. Like TransferKey, this is returned in CF_CALLBACK_INFO in the CF_CALLBACK_TYPE_FETCH_DATA and other callbacks so that the provider doesn’t have to retrieve it again.

[in] InfoClass

Types of the range of placeholder data. The value can be one of the following:

Value Description
CF_PLACEHOLDER_RANGE_INFO_ONDISK On-disk data is data that is physical present in the file. This is a super set of other types of ranges.
CF_PLACEHOLDER_RANGE_INFO_VALIDATED Validated data is a subset of the on-disk data that is currently in sync with the cloud.
CF_PLACEHOLDER_RANGEINFO_MODIFIED Modified data is a subset of the on-disk data that is currently not in sync with the cloud (i.e., either modified or appended.)

[in] StartingOffset

Offset of the starting point of the range of data. StartingOffset and RangeLength specify a range in the placeholder file whose information as described by the InfoClass parameter is requested

[in] RangeLength

Length of the range of data. A provider can specify CF_EOF for RangeLength to indicate that range for which information is requested is from StartingOffset to end of the file.

[out] InfoBuffer

Pointer to a buffer that will receive the data. The buffer is an array of CF_FILE_RANGE structures, which are offset/length pairs, describing the requested ranges.

[in] InfoBufferSize

The length of InfoBuffer in bytes.

[out, optional] InfoBufferWritten

Receives the number of bytes returned in InfoBuffer.

Return value

If this function succeeds, it returns S_OK. Otherwise, it returns an HRESULT error code. Some common error codes are listed in the following table:

Error code Meaning
HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( ERROR_HANDLE_EOF ) This means that StartingOffset >= the position of the end of the file.
HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( ERROR_MORE_DATA ) This implies that the next CF_FILE_RANGE entry doesn't fit in the provided buffer. The caller should verify if any entry is received or not using the returned InfoBufferWritten value.


While an API to query hydrated file ranges of a placeholder already exists, a new API was needed for improving reliability of the platform.

The existing API, CfGetPlaceholderRangeInfo, requires an opened handle to a file and then triggers a FSCTL_HSM_CONTROL using that handle. Providers/Sync Engines normally use this API to assess which portions of the file aren’t hydrated from the context of a CF_CALLBACK_TYPE_FETCH_DATA callback invoked by the filter to hydrate the file to satisfy an IO.

A mini filter in the IO stack could issue data scan on the file when the provider/Sync engine tries to open a handle to the file to be passed as a parameter to CfGetPlaceholderRangeInfo. Alternatively, a mini filter could block the FSCTL_HSM_CONTROL that CfGetPlaceholderRangeInfo triggers internally.

The cldflt filter is designed to invoke just one CF_CALLBACK_TYPE_FETCH_DATA callback per required file range for hydrating the file. As a result of either of above cases, either the data scan is stuck behind the original CF_CALLBACK_TYPE_FETCH_DATA or the CF_CALLBACK_TYPE_FETCH_DATA is stuck behind the blocked FSCTL. This causes a deadlock in the hydration path.

Hence, this API is needed. It performs the same functionality as CfGetPlaceholderRangeInfo, but communicates to the filter directly using filter message ports bypassing the intermediate IO stack. Therefore, no intermediate mini filter can either obstruct the CreateFile or the FSCTL_HSM_CONTROL.

Note that the caller always has the ConnectionKey obtained via CfConnectSyncRoot. It can obtain TransferKey via CfGetTransferKey and obtain FileId using GetFileInformationByHandle. But this approach needs a handle to be opened to the file and hence is no different than using CfGetPlaceholderRangeInfo.

To summarize, when range info is needed from the context of a CF_CALLBACK_TYPE_FETCH_DATA callback, this API should be used. In all other cases, including when the provider wants to hydrate the file without being requested by the filter, CfGetPlaceholderRangeInfo should be used. The platform can’t recognize which API is called in a specific context and hence the onus is on the provider/Sync Engine to do the right thing.


This is a simple example where the function passes an InfoBuffer sufficient to retrieve only one CF_FILE_RANGE entry at a time. In practice, the caller could pass an InfoBuffer that could correspond to multiple CF_FILE_RANGE entries per invocation of the API. Error code HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( ERROR_MORE_DATA ) could be used to pass a larger buffer if need be.

#include <cfapi.h>

// ******************************************************************************************************
// From within the CF_CALLBACK_TYPE_FETCH_DATA Callback, the provider can use
// g_PlatformInfo.IntegrationNumber to see if the new API is supported. If it is, the provider can pass
// ConnectionKey, TransferKey and FileId along with other parameters to obtain information about file
// ranges which have already been hydrated.
// *******************************************************************************************************

// The provider could obtain file ranges that are hydrated like this:
std::vector<CF_FILE_RANGE> hydratedRanges = GetFileRangesFromCallback( CallbackInfo->ConnectionKey,

// Based on these hydratedRanges, the provider can chose to hydrate only ranges which aren’t on the disk.

// ******************************************************************************************************
// Implementation of a function that eventually calls this API.
// ******************************************************************************************************

typedef HRESULT( __stdcall* t_CfGetPlaceholderRangeInfoForHydration )(
    CF_CONNECTION_KEY ConnectionKey,
    CF_TRANSFER_KEY TransferKey,
    LARGE_INTEGER StartingOffset,
    LARGE_INTEGER RangeLength,
    PVOID InfoBuffer,
    DWORD InfoBufferSize,
    PDWORD InfoBufferWritten );

t_CfGetPlaceholderRangeInfoForHydration _CfGetPlaceholderRangeInfoForHydration = nullptr;

GetFileRangesFromCallback( CF_CONNECTION_KEY ConnectionKey,
                           CF_TRANSFER_KEY TransferKey,
                           LARGE_INTEGER FileId,
                           CF_PLACEHOLDER_RANGE_INFO_CLASS RangeInfoClass,
                           long long StartOffset,
                           long long Length,
                           PBOOLEAN UseOldAPI )

    long long StartOffset = 0;
    CF_FILE_RANGE fileRange;
    long long Length = 0;
    LARGE_INTEGER queryOffset = ll2li( StartOffset );
    LARGE_INTEGER queryLength = ll2li( Length );
    DWORD inforBufferWritten = 0;

    // This will contain all the hydrated ranges in the file if the function succeeds.
    std::vector<CF_FILE_RANGE> ranges;
    bool stop = false;

    CF_PLATFORM_INFO platformInfo;

    hr = (CfGetPlatformInfo( &platformInfo ));
    if(FAILED(hr)) {
        *UseOldAPI = TRUE;
        return ranges; //empty.

    if (platformInfo.IntegrationNumber < 600) {
        *UseOldAPI = TRUE;
        return ranges; //empty.

    wil::unique_hmodule CloudFilesApi( LoadLibrary( L"cldapi.dll" ) );
    THROW_LAST_ERROR_IF_NULL( CloudFilesApi );

    _CfGetPlaceholderRangeInfoForHydration = reinterpret_cast<t_CfGetPlaceholderRangeInfoForHydration>(
            GetProcAddress( CloudFilesApi.get(), "CfGetPlaceholderRangeInfoForHydration" ) );
    THROW_LAST_ERROR_IF_NULL( _CfGetPlaceholderRangeInfoForHydration );

    while ( !stop ) {

        hr = _CfGetPlaceholderRangeInfoForHydration ( ConnectionKey,
                                                      sizeof( fileRange ),
                                                      &infoBufferWritten );

        if ( hr == HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( ERROR_HANDLE_EOF ) ||
             hr == HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( ERROR_MORE_DATA ) ) {

            // We need to break the loop only if there is no more data.
            if ( hr == HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( ERROR_HANDLE_EOF ) ) {
                stop = true;

            hr = S_OK;

        if ( FAILED( hr ) || infoBufferWritten == 0 ) {
            return ranges;

        ranges.push_back( fileRange );
        queryOffset.QuadPart = fileRange.StartingOffset.QuadPart + fileRange.Length.QuadPart;

        if ( Length != CF_EOF && queryOffset.QuadPart >= ( StartOffset + Length ) ) {
            stop = true;
        } else if ( Length != CF_EOF) {
            // Update the new query length
            queryLength.QuadPart = StartOffset + Length - queryOffset.QuadPart
            if ( queryLength.QuadPart <= 0 ) {
                stop = true;

    return ranges;


Requirement Value
Header cfapi.h

See also




