INDESPolicy::VerifyRequest method (certpol.h)

Verifies the NDES certificate request for submission to the CA.


HRESULT VerifyRequest(
  [in]          CERTTRANSBLOB *pctbRequest,
  [in]          CERTTRANSBLOB *pctbSigningCertEncoded,
  [in]          PCWSTR        pwszTemplate,
  [in]          PCWSTR        pwszTransactionId,
  [out, retval] BOOL          *pfVerified


[in] pctbRequest

The encoded PKCS#10 request.

[in] pctbSigningCertEncoded

The valid signing certificate for a renewal request.

[in] pwszTemplate

The template being requested for, as determined by NDES.

[in] pwszTransactionId

The SCEP request transaction ID.

[out, retval] pfVerified

True if the challenge is verified; otherwise false.

Return value

If this method succeeds, it returns S_OK. Otherwise, it returns an HRESULT error code.


Requirement Value
Target Platform Windows
Header certpol.h

See also