IX509SCEPEnrollment::put_TransactionId method (certenroll.h)

Gets or sets the transaction id for the request.

This property is read/write.


HRESULT put_TransactionId(
  EncodingType Encoding,
  BSTR         Value




Return value



If you do not specify a transaction id, then the CreateRequestMessage method will create one. If the transaction id has not been set or the CreateRequestMessage method has not been called, then this property will return CERTSRV_E_PROPERTY_EMPTY.

After processing a pending request, the caller must save this value for later use when calling the CreateRetrievePendingMessage method to format a message to be sent to the SCEP server to poll for the issued certificate.

Set this property before you call the ProcessResponseMessage method when you are using a new instance of the IX509SCEPEnrollment interface to install the response.

Set this property before you call the CreateRetrievePendingMessage method when you are using a new instance of the IX509SCEPEnrollment interface to create a retrieval message.


Requirement Value
Target Platform Windows
Header certenroll.h
DLL Certenroll.dll

See also
